Ziaullah Langove grieved over death of Bahadur Khan Langove; pays tributes for valuable services

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Provincial Minister for Home, Mir Ziaullah Langove has expressed grief and condolence over death of Bahadur Khan Langove.
In a condolence statement issued here on Wednesday, the Provincial Minister paid rich tributes to late Bahadur Khan for his party and the areas of Kalat and Khaliqabad.
He said that late Bahadur Khan devoted his life for prosperity of the areas besides waging struggle for the party.
Mir Ziaullah Langove expressed sympathy with the bereaved family of the late Bahadur Khan and said that his services are unforgettable and would be remembered in golden words.
He also prayed that may Allah Almighty rest the departed into Its eternal peace and give enough strength and patience to the bereaved family to bear the tragic loss of his death.

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