(Maria Mansab)
With the continued blessings of Allah Almighty, the nation will commemorate the Youm-e-Takbir on May 28. This day symbolizes Pakistan’s attainment of nuclear power status and the establishment of a robust defense deterrent.
On May 28, 1998, Pakistan achieved its unbeatable defense capabilities and ensured regional stability through power equilibrium. These nuclear tests elevated the status of Pakistan as the sixth global nuclear power and the first Muslim nation to possess a nuclear arsenal. The tests not only demonstrated the determination of the Pakistani nation to protect its territorial integrity, independence, and sovereignty but also the aspiration to maintain a strategic equilibrium in South Asia.
Despite external pressures and Indian hegemonic intentions to alter the balance of power through nuclear tests, the Pakistani leadership courageously decided to respond on this date in 1998 by conducting nuclear tests, thereby restoring the balance of power in South Asia. The acquisition of modern nuclear technology by the Pakistani leadership is pursued for peaceful and restrained purposes. It demonstrates the nation’s dedication, patriotism, and a profound sense of duty toward territorial integrity.
Pakistan’s astute and strategic response on this occasion marked a significant milestone. Therefore, quieting the aggressive junta in the neighboring country who were advocating for misguided expansionist plans. Youm-e-Takbeer, which translates to “the day when Allah’s name was exalted,” consistently revitalizes the unwavering determination of a nation that has refused to surrender to the persistent dangers of a war-mongering mindset from India.
In 1974, India conducted a nuclear test, prompting Pakistan to expedite its nuclear program with renewed commitment. The development of nuclear weapons has permanently altered the geopolitical dynamics in South Asia. L.K. Advani, the former Indian Home Minister, warned Pakistan that it should “realize the change in the geo-strategic situation in the region and the world” and Pakistan must submit to Indian dictation otherwise “will be futile and costly for Pakistan. To counteract India’s aggressive and dominant strategy, Pakistan had to respond by conducting nuclear tests. Subsequently, nuclear deterrence has been of utmost importance in ensuring South Asia’s political security and strategic stability. It is important to mention that Pakistan has consistently shown reluctance to participate in the nuclear arms race in South Asia.
It is imperative to mention here that despite Pakistan’s status as a nuclear power, it is exhibiting remarkable restraint in the continued prevailing tense circumstances, fully committed to protecting and securing national security and the border. Pakistan has consistently conveyed to the international community that its nuclear assets serve as a minimal defense deterrent and are intended for peaceful purposes. Pakistan also emphasizes that its nuclear capabilities help maintain a balance of power in the area and ensure that efficient control and command systems are in place to ensure their safety.
According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) report, India is ranked as the fourth largest military spender worldwide in 2023. it has increased its military expenditure by 44% since 2014. In 2023, India allocated $83.6 billion for arms, marking a 4.2% increase from the previous year. This raises concerns that the development of nuclear weapons could initiate a regional arms race. This aligns with the overarching objective of the Narendra Modi government. It seeks to advance the Hindutva ideology and deploy coercive measures to quell political adversaries and dissenters of the ruling Hindu nationalist party to secure electoral victories.
As per SIPRI reports India is the world’s largest importer of weapons. In pursuit of attaining “regional power” status, it is constructing an advanced arsenal of nuclear weapons, which includes tactical weapons, intercontinental ballistic missiles, and an antiballistic missile system. However, the leadership of Pakistan, including both political and military, recognizes the potential to enhance security and peace in the region by focusing on arms control rather than engaging in the arms race. To prevent a nuclear arms race in South Asia, Pakistan presented many proposals at international forums: Firstly, in 1974, there was a declaration to designate South Asia as a region free from nuclear weapons. Secondly, after 1998, there was a proposal to create a “Pakistan-India strategic restraint regime”. Unfortunately, India has continuously declined all of these endorsements. Therefore, the unwelcoming stance of India has compelled Pakistan to resume regional power equilibrium through the advancement of advanced nuclear capabilities.
Significantly, Youm-e-Takbeer has provided pragmatic guidance to Pakistani leaders, aiding them in their steadfast commitment to nuclear nonproliferation. Scientists and engineers from Pakistan have utilized nuclear technology research and development for peaceful purposes. For example, the environment, power generation, agriculture, and medicine. Pakistan upholds the principles of peaceful coexistence and, as a responsible nuclear state, has made significant endeavors to resolve persistent conflicts. The International Community should exert pressure on India to comply with the same standards to prevent South Asia from engaging in nuclear brinkmanship.
Youm-e-Takbeer symbolizes Pakistan’s unwavering resolve to maintain its sovereignty and territorial integrity while promoting regional stability and peace. This historic milestone continues to inspire the nation to strive for strategic balance and peaceful coexistence in South Asia. As Pakistan commemorates this significant day, it reaffirms its commitment to nuclear non-proliferation and responsible stewardship of its nuclear assets. By adhering to international standards and collaborating on global initiatives, Pakistan remains dedicated to fostering an environment of stability and mutual respect, ensuring a secure and prosperous future for the region and the world.

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