Women’s Economic Empowerment: Dr. Rubaba Khan Buledi Announces Measures to Support Women Entrepreneurs

Quetta, May 30: Advisor to the Chief Minister of Balochistan for Women Development Department Dr. Rubaba Khan Buledi, has announced measures to support women entrepreneurs in Quetta, including the reactivation of the Women Chamber of Commerce and the establishment of a display center for handicrafts made by skilled women artisans. This aims to enable women to play an active role in commercial activities and contribute to economic stability.

Dr. Buledi expressed these views while talking to Sana Durani, Chairperson of the Balochistan Women Business Association, and Zara Khan. She highlighted that women’s participation in Pakistan’s GDP is less than 20%, whereas in China it is 41%, in the US it is 40%, and in European countries it is 41%. In some African countries, women’s participation in the labor force is as high as 53%.

Dr. Buledi noted that according to the Economic Forum’s report, only 1% of women in Pakistan are entrepreneurs, which is the lowest rate in South Asia. She emphasized the need to provide maximum opportunities to women in Balochistan to engage in commercial activities, leading to economic prosperity and significant improvement in women’s lives.

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