Whole nation pays tributes to founder of PPP on DA:

Independent Report

QUETTA: Paying rich tributes to the founder of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and former Prime Minister, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (ZAB), the acting Speaker Balochistan Assembly, Ms. Ghazala Gola has stated that Shaheed ZAB is ruling over the hearts of people even today.
In a message issued here on eve of the 45th death anniversary of ZAB observed on Thursday, the acting Speaker provincial assembly said that the judicial murder of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was made on this day, 45 years ago.
She said that the whole nation pays tributes to Shaheed Bhutto on his death anniversary. Ms. Ghazala Gola said that ZAB was a farsighted leader having pain of people in his heart.
She said that it was an irreparable loss to the country and nation when ZAB was judicially murdered. She said that ZAB rendered sacrifice of his life for the sake of survival of democracy in the country. But he did not make compromise on his principles, Ms. Ghazala Gola maintained.
She said that Shaheed ZAB is a big name and unforgettable character in the history of Pakistan, and his name would remain in the annals forever.
Shaheed ZAB had united the entire Muslim world on to a platform, that is why he was martyred, the acting Speaker provincial assembly recalled.

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