what is your response to India summoning of the US diplomat over comments regarding the arrest of Delhi’s Chief Minister Kejriwal

Mushfiqul Fazal: what is your response to India summoning of the US diplomat over comments regarding the arrest of Delhi’s Chief Minister Kejriwal and how do you view the recent political turmoil in India, including the freezing of the opposition party’s bank account as the Amnesty International describe the situation, ‘crackdown on opposition reaches a crisis point ahead of national elections’.
Spokesperson Matthew Miller: With respect to the second question, we continue to follow these actions closely, including the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Kejriwal. We’re also aware of the Congress party’s allegations that tax authorities have frozen some of their bank accounts in a manner that will make it challenging to effectively campaign in the upcoming elections and we encourage fair, transparent and timely legal processes for each of these issues.
With respect to your first question. I’m not going to talk about any private diplomatic conversations but of course, what we have said publicly is what I just said from here that we encourage fair, transparent, fair and timely legal processes. We don’t think anyone should object to that and we’ll make the same thing clear privately.

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