We want supremacy of law & constitution: Sharif family afraid of Qaidi No. 804, says Umar Ayub


Independent Report

QUETTA: The central Secretary General of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf (PTI) and leader of Opposition in National Assembly, Umar Ayub Khan has stated that we want supremacy of law and constitution in the country, and nothing else for the movement has been started for protection of the constitution.
He believed that the coming era of government is of PTI after the incumbent government of Form 47 would be winded-up. He claimed that the government formed through Form 47 would no more run.
The senior leader of PTI was addressing hurriedly called press conference before his departure from Quetta on Sunday morning.
Umar Ayub had come to Quetta to participate in the protest public meetings held in Pishin and Chaman besides attending the crucial meeting of the six-parties alliance, which are part of the movement for protection of constitution in the country.
A leader of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), Sharif Khilji also announced to join the PTI after resigning from his party.
Umar Ayub Khan said that hurdles were created in the way of PTI workers for participation in the public meetings held in Pishin and Chaman on Saturday.
He charged that the PTI workers were not allowed to carry the party flags while some were also manhandled. Despite this and hard weather conditions, the public meetings remained very successful, adding he claimed.
The PTI leader said that our parties alliance would hold public meetings all over the country.
He said that PTI Quaid Iman Khan has given political consciousness to the masses, and it is not the “old Pakistan” rather they (masses) have become conscious.
Referring the former Deputy Speaker National Assembly, Qasim Suri, the PTI’s secretary General said that he (Suri) is a brave person and proud worker, and so Salar Khan, however, his (Suri) family is passing through hard time.
Umar Ayub on the occasion welcomed Sharif Khilji in the PTI fold saying that he (Khilji) has come in the party once again.
Earlier, speaking on the occasion, Sharif Khilji that he had left PTI in compulsion to join PPP. However, PPP has become party of Zardari family instead of Bhuttos. He also said that he has never made politics for privileges and funds.

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