We are not ready to bow down to any terrorist for peace, Bilawal Bhutto


We are not ready to bow down to any terrorist for peace, Bilawal Bhutto
By Arif Ahmad
Swat: Chairman Pakistan People’s Party foreign minister bilawal Bhutto zardari has said that the Political terrorism has to be stopped, if we do not respond strongly, incidents like May 9 will continue to happen, we will not bow down to any terrorist, I say to my colleagues, take courage, don’t wait for tomorrow, but start preparing for the election from today. The people have made great sacrifices for peace alongside the security forces. Pakistan People’s Party will stand side by side with the people of Swat to maintain this peace.
These views were expressed by Pakistan People’s Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari while addressing a public meeting in Khwaza Khela area of Swat.
He said that we have to establish peace in the country, for which I am sending a message to the terrorists to leave terrorism and follow the path of peace.
“We are not ready to bow down to any terrorist for peace, but we will fight hard.” He added
Referring to the performance of the PTI government, Bilawal Bhutto said that the selected got the government for 4 years in the federation, but they disappointed the people badly. Instead, they put the peace of the country at stake by gathering the terrorists who had taken refuge in Afghanistan.
He further said that Bibi Shaheed, while fighting the terrorists in Swat in the past, said that we will host the flag of Pakistan in Swat, even though all other political parties were silent at that time, we had decided to fight the terrorists as soon as we took over the government.
“We will fight them and establish peace in Swat. Unfortunately, the previous government tried to bring the terrorists who fled Afghanistan and took shelter there to Swat to create chaos here, but peace be upon the people of Swat, who stood firm in front of these terrorists and forced them to flee, I assure you that the Pakistan People’s Party is with the people of Swat in this struggle to establish peace and will never leave them alone.” Bilawal added
Referring to peace in the country, Bilawal Bhutto said that if there is peace in Afghanistan, then there will be trade in Pakistan, which will improve the country’s economy, and if the economy improves, no one will be able to compete with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
He said that those who damage the memorials of martyrs and national property will not be forgiven, but they will be severely punished.
He said that their leader put the integrity of the country at stake by spending one night in jail. In the past, if we had raised the slogan of revenge for the martyrdom of Bibi, the entire country would have burned, but even then we showed patience and said. We believe that democracy is the best revenge.
Referring to the recent budget, Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that the Pakistan People’s Party’s proposals were included in the budget. The federal government kept a low budget for flood victims. We have informed, we do not doubt the intention of the Prime Minister, and however, some people of the Prime Minister’s team are creating a ruckus in fulfilling the promises.
He laughingly mentioned his performance and said that our youths are rich in abilities. In 14 months, the young foreign minister did what the elders could not do in years.
People’s Party can find a solution to every problem if the people support it. On reaching the meeting hall of Khwaza Khaila Ground, the party leaders welcomed “Prime Minister Bilawal Bhutto” by chanting slogans.
Before Bilawal, Dr. Haider Ali and Syed Muhammad Ali Shah, who joined the People’s Party from PTI, also spoke and congratulated the party leader on his visit to Swat and the successful rally.

Daily Independent

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