We accepted new population census in larger interest of province seeing ground realities, says CM Bizenjo

Independent Report


QUETTA:  The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo has categorically stated that we have accepted the new population census in a realistic manner and that seeing facts, in which the ratio of population increase in Balochistan is higher than other provinces.

He said that the issue of Balochistan would not be resolved with increase of two or four seats in the national assembly, rather the institution of Senate would have to be empowered for the purpose, which has equal representative of all the provinces.

He stressed that we need to wage struggle to strengthen and empower Senate.

It has been our stance from the day one that the backwardness, land and law and order situation may also be included in the formula of distribution of resources in the NFC Award. The province can benefit from this in the NFC Award.

This, the Chief Minister stated in a policy statement issued here on Thursday, The Chief Minister described the ongoing debate on the new population census by some political circles as meaningless and said that those making criticism on the new census should determine those responsible who caused harm to the province’s interests by reviewing the population census conducted in 1998 and 2017.

The Chief Minister once again invited all political parties of the province to sit together and get accepted the interests of province from the federation.

He strongly believed that if we didn’t come on one page then the federation would never give us our due rights.

He stressed that all political leadership should adopt a joint course of action together instead of making criticism on each other.

To a query, the Chief Minister dispelled the impression that only the population of Balochistan has been reduced, if viewed, then ratio of population of the province has been increased.

He on the occasion stressed that we need to make struggle for special grants to be given to the backward districts of the province.

He said that if we are dreaming of development merely on the basis of population, then it would remain just dream.

He said that accept that there might be some discrepancies in the recent population census, but it is also a fact that the population was presented abnormally in some districts. In addition to this, there were few districts from where the dwellers had migrated due to the floods and their counting could not be done in the census. But, in spite of that, we accepted the population census in the larger interest of the province.

Daily Independent

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