Urgent solution of problem of electricity restoration to be found out: caretaker CM

Independent Report

QUETTA: The caretaker Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Ali Mardan Domki has stated that we realize the electricity-related issues being faced by the zamindars in the province, and adding assured that urgent solution would be found out for their solution by taking to the Quetta Electric Supply Company (QESCO).
The Chief Minister also summoned the Chief Executive Officer of QESCO on the issues of electricity.
He was in meeting with a delegation of Balochistan Zamindar Action Committee (BZAC), who called on him under leadership of its chairman and former Member Provincial Assembly, Malik Naseer Ahmed Shahwani, here at the CM’s secretariat on Thursday morning.
Mr. Domki said that zamindars can face heavy losses due to the suspension of electricity during season, and as such we want to save the agriculture sector from destruction and losses.
He assured that the emergent solution to the issue of electricity would be found out by talking with the QESCO.
He also said that it is his utmost endeavour to save the zamindars by restoring electricity at the earliest.
He mentioned that the caretaker Provincial Minister Information Jan Achakzai and Zamindar Action Committee would remain in close coordination on the issue.

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