Upholding Global Peace: Ayaz Sadiq’s Stand at the 148th IPU Assembly

by Muhammad Mohsin Iqbal
The recent 148th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) held in Geneva witnessed impassioned speeches and deliberations on crucial global issues. Among the voices resonating through the halls of diplomacy was that of Speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, representing Pakistan. His address not only underscored Pakistan’s commitment to peace and international cooperation but also shed light on pressing humanitarian concerns and the imperative for collective action. His poignant remarks served as a clarion call for collective action to address pressing global challenges and uphold the principles of justice, dignity, and solidarity on the world stage.
In his address, Speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq conveyed Pakistan’s deep appreciation for the IPU’s longstanding efforts in promoting peace and understanding worldwide. Emphasizing Pakistan’s pride in its membership since 1948, he reaffirmed the nation’s unwavering support for the IPU’s noble objectives.
Central to Sadiq’s discourse was Pakistan’s unwavering solidarity with the people of Gaza amidst the harrowing humanitarian crisis unfolding in the region. He condemned the indiscriminate violence perpetrated against civilians, particularly women and children, and called for urgent international intervention to address the dire situation.
Moreover, Speaker Ayaz Sadiq reiterated Pakistan’s steadfast support for the rights of the Kashmiri people, highlighting the long-standing oppression and denial of self-determination in the occupied territory. He urged the international community to uphold human rights principles and advocate for the resolution of the Kashmir conflict in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions.
Beyond regional concerns, Sadiq underscored the global imperative of addressing climate change, particularly its disproportionate impact on developing countries like Pakistan. He emphasized the urgent need for concerted international action to mitigate the effects of climate change and protect vulnerable communities from its adverse consequences.
Furthermore, Speaker Sadiq touched upon the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the importance of understanding its implications for governance, democracy and human rights. He emphasized the need for parliamentarians to engage in informed discourse on AI to ensure that policies reflect the best interests of their constituents.
Beyond thematic discussions, the IPU Assembly offers valuable opportunities for parliamentarians to engage in bilateral meetings and networking sessions. Speaker Sadiq’s participation likely facilitated dialogues with counterparts from various countries, enabling the exchange of ideas, experiences, and best practices. He participated in sideline meetings with distinguished figures such as former IPU President Mr. Duarte Pacheco, as well as Speakers and delegates from countries including Mr. Saqr Ghobash, Speaker of the Federal National Council of UAE, Mr. Johari Abdul, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malaysia, Mr. Vyacheslav Volodin, Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of Russian Federation and Dr. Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran and Mr. Hassan Abdullah Al-Ghanim, Speaker of the Shura Council of the State of Qatar. These meetings underscored Pakistan’s commitment to fostering constructive dialogue and cooperation at both regional and global levels.

Additionally, the participation of other Pakistani parliamentarians in various forums and committees at the IPU Assembly highlights the breadth of Pakistan’s engagement with international parliamentary diplomacy. Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar MNA along with Ms. Wajeeha Qamar MNA and Senator Saadia Abbasi participated in the Forum of Women Parliamentarians, highlighting the increasing involvement of women in legislative affairs. Moreover, Senator Ali Zafar and Mr. Umair Khan Niazi MNA, took part in the Coordination Meeting of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA), emphasizing regional cooperation and diplomacy. In another instance, Syed Naveed Qamar MNA, Barrister Aqeel Malik MNA and Senator Farooq H. Naek contributed to the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development, indicating a focus on environmental and social issues.
Furthermore, Barrister Aqeel Malik MNA, Mr. Ahmed Atteeq Anwer, MNA and Mr. Umair Khan Niazi MNA participated in the Forum of Young Parliamentarians of the IPU, showcasing the involvement of the younger generation in shaping legislative agendas. Meanwhile, Senator Saadia Abbasi, Senator Ali Zafar, Barrister Aqeel Malik MNA and Syed Amin-ul-Haq, MNA contributed to the Standing Committee on UN Affairs, reflecting Pakistan’s commitment to international affairs and diplomacy. Mr. Tahir Hussain, Secretary General and Syed Shamoon Hashmi Special Secretary also took part in the ASGP meeting, likely focusing on administrative and procedural matters within the parliamentary structure. Overall, these engagements demonstrate Pakistan’s active participation in both regional and global parliamentary platforms, addressing diverse issues ranging from gender equality to sustainable development and international diplomacy.

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