Umerkot, by Aijaz mughal, Sindh’s largest government livestock experimental (research) station (Thri Cattle Farm) established for the breeding of Thri Cows

Umerkot, by Aijaz mughal, Sindh’s largest government livestock experimental (research) station (Thri Cattle Farm) established for the breeding of Thri Cows has reached the brink of destruction due to inattention and mismanagement. Gone, rare thri cow breeding stopped, unrelatedExposure of individuals to use government agricultural lands, tractors, valuable machinery and other resources.
The biggest government livestock experimental (research) station (Thri Cattle Farm) of Sindh under the management of Sindh government located near Nabi Sar road area of ​​Umerkot district has reached the brink of destruction due to government inattention, mismanagement and political interference.
In 1960, this Livestock Experimental (Research) Station (Thri Cattle Farm) was established at Baraji area and Tharke desert for the purposes of breeding the famous and popular high-breed Thri cows found in the Thar desert. Cook the chicken and add milk and meatbut due to the inattention of the Sindh government and the Sindh Livestock Department, this state-owned ancient Livestock Experimental (Research) Station (Thri Cattle Farm), which is rich in natural and worldly blessings, has become a story of destruction and destruction at this time.
The reason for the popularity of thri cows around the world is that thri cows eat less food and give more milk. One thri cow gives milk up to 20 liters at a time and one thri cow gives milk around 40 liters in the morning and evening according to experts. Farming of thri cows would get the best production of milk and meatAnd this is a cheap and profitable process, there are many qualities found in thri cows, they also have unlimited immunity to fight diseases, while three cows are also very beautiful to look at, due to these qualities, thri Cows are very famous, popular and loved all over the world.
Due to the carelessness of the administration in Livestock Experimental (Research) Station (Thri Cattle Farm), several cattle sheds, staff residential quarters and other important buildings have collapsed and turned into piles of rubble due to which Sindh’s largest official Livestock Experimental Station has collapsed. (Research) Station (Three Cattle Farm) RuinsAs the work continues, none of the buildings except the farm superintendent’s residence and office are safe.
In the Livestock Experimental (Research) Station (Thri Cattle Farm), about a dozen tracks, trolleys and other important valuable machinery provided by the Sindh government have become rusty and inoperable due to lack of maintenance, they are standing on the support of bricks. has been done, the situation feels like these tractorsAnd there is a graveyard of machinery, while there is no shortage of other expensive machinery including new tractors received by the Sindh government.
According to the Government Livestock Experimental (Research) Station (Three Cattle Farm) administration, there are only about 200 hundred cows, calves, sheep, and goats in the farm, which are weak and weak due to hunger and thirst due to lack of adequate food. Fresh green grass and other suitable fodder to the cattle on behalf ofInstead, the completely dry grass obtained for free from different areas is given for eating only once in 24 hours. Hungry and thirsty livestock and their childrenThe situation has become such that the iron camera stand started to chew the cross thinking it was food. Due to the situation, the breeding of high-breed thri cows and the remaining cows, their calves and sheep, goats have become a norm. Native chickens are kept in the farm while muteThe cattle have been left to die of hunger and thirst. Sources said that the extreme of cruelty and oppression is that the greedy farm management deprives the newly born calves of cows from their mother’s milk, due to which many calves die. Yes, although the investigation at the government levelA commission should be set up and shocking stories will come to the fore.
Surprisingly, despite the unlimited resources provided by the government of Sindh, the (government thri cattle farm) is in ruins, and the number of cattle in it is almost non-existent, while other private cattle farms in the area are flourishing despite limited resources and there are thousands of them. A number of healthy beautiful cattleare present.
Government Livestock Experimental Station (Three Cattle Farm) consists of three separate sections Shahliwah, Ranawah and Rajaripat sections, in this Livestock Experimental (Research) Station (Three Cattle Farm) 4 thousand 270 acres 7 hours of agriculture for cultivating grass for cattle fodder. Irrigation sub-division Nabi is the land to be watered06 watercourses have been provided from three different canals, Sanuri Nahar, Rahman Nahar and Kanari Minor Nahar. As a bribe and welcomehave provided, and they are openly using government resources besides cultivating different crops on government lands.
Instead of cultivating grass for cattle fodder on the remaining agricultural land of the Government Livestock Experiment Station, various valuable crops including Lahori carrot, red chillies, cotton are being illegally cultivated by the administration. According to the sources, these crops A lot of money is earned by selling the produceNot even a single rupee is deposited in the government treasury from the money obtained by selling crops and agricultural water, while the grass cultivated for cattle on a few acres of land is also sold in the market.
Sources said that the current superintendent has cultivated various crops on 200 acres of farm land only for himself. When the farm management is asked about cattle grazing, they make various excuses, including shortage and non-availability of agricultural water. The team of (Express News) visited the areaAll 6 of 6 watercourses of Kiatu Government Livestock Experimental (Research) Station (Three Cattle Farm) were overflowing with water and various crops were found in the government lands. are, from all four sides of the government cattle farmUp to the boundary, there are fields of different crops growing on the government land instead of grass for cattle. According to the law of the Department of Livestock, it is mandatory to cultivate only grass for cattle on all the government lands located around the farm, while the government agricultural farms in the remote areas. Lands that are farm designated governmentLabor (farmers) have been allotted and they are allowed to cultivate different crops including grass on these government lands and they are obliged to deposit half of the income in the government treasury, but here the farms are far and wide for livestock. Farm names and names are also non-existent, leading to farm managementThere is no such thing as law, government resources are being looted along with loot.
It has been learned from the sources that by the corrupt management and staff, the high breed healthy three cows in the Government Livestock Experiment Station (Three Cattle Farm) along with their calves, bulls, hundreds of liters of milk, and large quantities received from the Livestock Department. Livestock Precious Government Medicines Other Private Cattle Farm OwnersAnd are sold in the market.
Government Livestock Experimental (Research) Station (Three Cattle Farm) Nabi Sarroad has hundreds of government staff from grade 01 to grade 18, including Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Veterinary Officer, Agriculture Officer, Office Superintendent, for the maintenance of the farm, but the majority Gharbethe is receiving huge salaries, most of the employeesThey are hiring private employees for ten thousand rupees per month, the official records of the farm in the farm superintendent’s office have also been left hanging like orphans, which are rotting.
18 years ago, during the reign of Sindh Chief Minister Arbab Ghulam Rahim, when serious corruption came to light in this official Livestock Experimental (Research) Station (Three Cattle Farm), Nabi Sar Road, it was recommended to hand over it to Skonji Company for its improvement, and preparations were also completed in this regard. On this after the GovtIt could not be implemented, if it was implemented, today it would be the largest government livestock experimental (research) station of Sindh (Three Cattle Farm) in development and the best production of milk and meat would be obtained by breeding three cows while selling healthy cows and milk to other countries of the world. Also multiple exchangesIt would have been achieved, but unfortunately, nothing like this could happen and now the breed of this superior breed of three cows is also decreasing with the passage of time.
SD Oslim Narai of Irrigation Sub-Division, Nabi Sarwah, while rejecting the allegation of non-supply of agricultural water by the farm management, said that to irrigate the lands of the Government Livestock Experimental (Research) Station (Three Cattle Farm) through 6 different watercourses. Water is supplied to parts of the farm apart from thisAgricultural water is also stolen by the administration illegally by breaking the water course and installing lift machines, he said that it is our duty to provide agricultural water to the part of the farm. Action takenwill go
Superintendent of Government Livestock Experimental (Research) Station (Three Cattle Farm) Dr. Noordin Memon said that when he took charge, the affairs of Three Cattle Farm were very chaotic, which were being corrected. Orbel is there to look afterApart from salaries, the Sindh government provides an annual budget of 50 lakh rupees, which is not enough in this era of inflation.
Sources have said that the existing superintendent of Government Livestock Experimental (Research) Station (Three Cattle Farm), Nabi Road, was previously appointed as the Superintendent of Government Cattle Farm located in Rohri and he was suspended on the basis of serious corruption and was reinstated on political recommendation. They have been appointed here.
The residents of the area say that due to the situation, the Government Livestock Experimental (Research) Station (Three Cattle Farm) Nabi Sar Road has become a stronghold of serious corruption and the government resources are being looted with both hands, as a result of which the Government Three Cattle Farm is being destroyed. Cattle farm entrusted to private companiesIt has been demanded to take measures for the Kobcha breed of high quality thri cows.

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