Two police cops deputed on polio team’s security gunned down in Quetta

Independent Report

QUETTA: Two personnel of police deputed on security of the anti-polio team were gunned down in the jurisdiction of Zarghoonabad police station on Tuesday.
According to the police sources, the anti-polio team comprising male and female health workers and volunteers were busy in administering anti-polio vaccine to the children in Killi Shah Alam area near Nawan Killi under police protection.
All of sudden some unknown armed men appeared on the scene and opened indiscriminate fire on the police personnel guarding the anti-polio workers there.
As a result, two police sepoys sustained serious bullet injuries and thus succumbed to them before they were provided any medical aid.
In the meantime, the police and rescue teams reached the spot and shifted the bodies of deceased police cops to the civil hospital.
Meanwhile, the area was cordoned off and hunt started for arrest of the culprits involved in the incident.
However, no arrest could be made till ours’ going to the press. Further investigations are in progress.

Daily Independent

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