Two Dacoits Killed – One injured in Police Encounter

From ShikarpurS

HIKARPUR: Shikarpur police claims for killing of two Dacoits and one injured in two separate police encounters on Sunday in early hours.

According to Press Release issued from SSP office Shikarpur that some group of armed men trying to looting the passengers on Dakhan link road in the jurisdiction of Madeji police station on last late night, while receiving the information, area police rushed to the spot and the criminals opened fires upon police mobile while seeing coming to them.
Police also fired in return.
As an exchange of firing from both sides, police succeeded in killing two Dacoits on the spot.
Two Dacoits were killed in an police encounter, SSP Shikarpur Irfan Samo added.
The dead bodies of deceased Dacoits sent to Government Hospital for Medico Legal formalities.
The killed Dacoits were identified as Rafique Jeffery of Sukkur District and Ali Jan Sabzoi of Garhi Tegho.
Further police is collecting their the criminal records from various police statios.
Similarly an other police encounter took place between three criminals and police at Madd Khosa road in the limit of Jahan Khan Police Picket.
As a result of firings, one criminal identified as Aijaz Brohi received in injured condition, while other his gangsters managed good their escape while gaining the chance of darkness.
Police started the search of escaped criminals with the support of arrested criminals.

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