Transitioning from Stigma to Embracing: The Routine of Psychiatric Check-Ins

The historical persistence of the stigma associated with mental health is attributed to societal, cultural, and religious views. People with mental diseases were stereotyped as weak or morally lacking, and mental illnesses were frequently misunderstood. People were discouraged from talking freely about their mental health issues and from getting professional treatment because of this attitude. Psychiatric check-ins were therefore suspicious, which served to confirm the notion that only the “mentally ill” needed these treatments.

Notably, Pakistan has one of the lowest global mental health indexes while having a population of almost 220 million. The World Health Organization estimates that more than 30 million individuals in the nation struggle with mental illnesses. There is a significant shortage of mental health care in Pakistan, where the total number of psychiatrists is thought to be less than 500. Over 80% of persons with common mental health illnesses go untreated due to a lack of mental health experts. There is also no political will and no proper mental health policy in Pakistan. All this adversely affects the integration of care delivered by government health care professionals for patients with mental illnesses. Major mental disorders in Pakistan are depression (6%), schizophrenia (1.5%) and epilepsy (1-2%). Lahore has the highest number of depressives that is 53.4% as compared to Quetta (43.9%) and Karachi (35.7%).

Our society is genuinely conservative and old-fashioned. People ridicule, tease and remain at distant from a person who even tries to go to the psychiatric instead of being helping, empathetic and kind to that person. Lack of empathy is the other cause that inhibits a person from seeing a psychiatric.

Negative attitudes towards mental health in different cultures, known as cultural stigma, is the influence of cultural norms and values on people’s stigmatized beliefs. Destigmatizing mental health is a complex process that involves challenging preconceived notions, fostering empathy, and promoting open conversations. Routine psychiatric check-ins serve as a powerful tool in this destigmatization process. When individuals openly discuss their mental health check-ins, it sends a message that seeking professional support is a normal and responsible choice, devoid of judgment. This collective openness contributes to reshaping societal attitudes and dismantling the barriers that have historically prevented individuals from prioritizing their mental health.

The normalization of mental health check-ins is greatly influenced by education. Through the inclusion of mental health education in public awareness campaigns, workplace training programs, and school curriculum, society may equip people with the information and skills necessary to make decisions regarding their mental health. In addition to debunking misconceptions, education fosters a feeling of community duty to assist one another on their paths toward mental wellness.

One of the key elements in the journey from stigma to acceptance is the normalization of routine psychiatric check-ins. These check-ins are akin to regular physical check-ups, emphasizing the holistic nature of health. When individuals incorporate mental health into their overall well-being, it becomes a routine aspect of self-care rather than a reactive response to a crisis. This shift in perspective encourages individuals to seek professional support as part of a proactive strategy to maintain good mental health.

To put policies that promote mental health into effect, governments and healthcare organizations should work together. Incorporating mental health examinations into regular medical procedures, providing funding for mental health services, and making sure insurance covers mental health treatments are all part of this. The establishment of a supportive framework for regular mental check-ins can be greatly aided by policy changes. Rewarding and praising those who candidly discuss the benefits of regular psychiatric check-ins can act as potent testimonies. The path may be made more relevant and humanized via personal accounts, which can inspire people to prioritize their mental health without worrying about being judged. A shift in one’s own mindset would undoubtedly help the cause.

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