Training session conducted for police cops assigned security duties in elections

QUETTA: The training session was conducted for the police personnel assigned security duties during the upcoming general elections here in the metropolis the other day.
The session was participated by the master trainers to enable them to impart training to other security personnel at the district level.
The Director Headquarter, Provincial Election Commissioner office, Waseem Ahmed imparted training to the police personnel.
While delivering lecture, Waseem Ahmed exhorted the police personnel to ensure peaceful, safe and conducive environment for the voters during the election process.
He also urged them to behave very well with the voters and polling staff while ensuring the implementation on law.
The police personnel have to ensure that no one can influence the voters outside the polling stations, adding Director Headquarter PEC stressed.
He also asked them to inform the presiding officers or other high ups about any irregularity or against the code of conduct immediately so as to address the same well in time.

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