TLP Leader Condemns India’s Actions in Kashmir, Advocates for Jihad as the Solution

Muzaffarabad,(PRESS RELEASE) August 4,

Amir of Tehreek-e-Labbaik Azad Kashmir, Allama Abdul Ghafoor Tabani, expressed strong condemnation of India’s attempts to suppress the Kashmiri freedom movement. In a conversation with journalists, he stated that India has endangered itself by revoking Articles 370 and 35A. He emphasized that the Kashmiri people made their decision about their future through the July 19, 1947, resolution for accession to Pakistan. Despite India’s continuous efforts to isolate Pakistan globally, these attempts have been unsuccessful.

Allama Tabani asserted that Tehreek-e-Labbaik will raise the voice of Kashmiris on every platform. He declared that jihad is the only solution for the liberation of Kashmir, asserting that without it, the dream of Kashmir’s freedom cannot be realized. Under the leadership of Allama Hafiz Saad Hussain Rizvi, the movement vows to avenge the injustices faced by oppressed Muslims in Kashmir, Burma, and Palestine.

He condemned Narendra Modi, calling him the world’s biggest terrorist, and accused India of being a murderer of Muslims, stating that Muslims are not safe in India. Allama Tabani suggested that the current situation in India is precarious due to Modi and his BJP, predicting that they cannot maintain India’s existence on the world stage.

Despite the brutal oppression by the Indian government, the resistance movement in Kashmir remains strong. He highlighted that on August 5, 2019, India blatantly violated UN resolutions and international laws by abrogating Article 370, thus stripping Jammu and Kashmir of its special status and imposing a military siege. This day is remembered as one of the darkest in the history of occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The entire Kashmiri nation observes August 5 as a Black Day to send a clear message to the world that they do not accept India’s oppressive actions and violations of international law. The continuous five-year military and police siege has wreaked havoc in the region, turning it into a torture cell under India’s Hindutva regime. The August 5 action was a cruel attack on the Kashmiri national identity.

Allama Tabani affirmed that the Kashmiris will continue their struggle for freedom until they achieve their inalienable right to self-determination. He emphasized that India cannot forcefully deny Kashmiris their birthright.

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