Three police and one FC cop martyred in attack on check post in Sherani district


Three police and one FC cop
martyred in attack on check
post in Sherani district

Independent Report

QUETTA: Three police and one Frontier Corps (FC) personnel were martyred in a rocket attack and firing at a check post in Dhana Sar area of Sherani district on Sunday morning.
According to the reports reaching here, unknown armed assailants resorted to fire few rockets targeting a check post located in Dhana Sar area in wee hours of Sunday. The rocket attack was followed by extensive firing at the check post. As a result four security personnel embraced martyrdom on the spot. In the meantime, the security personnels retaliated and exchanged firing with the assailants.
During the exchange of fire, one terrorist was also killed, the sources informed.
Afterwards, the armed assailants fled from the scene. Later, the security forces and area administration cordoned off the area and started hunt of the terrorists.
However, no arrest was made in the terrorism act neither any group or individual claimed responsibility of the incident.
Meanwhile, the security has been beefed up in Dhana Sar and adjoining areas.

Daily Independent

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