Three medical teams moved to Aranji after gastro epidemic hit



Three medical teams
moved to Aranji
after gastro
epidemic hit

Independent Report

QUETTA: Three medical teams have been moved to Aranji area of Wadh, Khuzdar after the gastro epidemic hit the area, on Sunday.
According to the Director General Health Services, Dr. Noor Qazi, two medical teams have been dispatched to Aranji from Quetta while another moved to the area from Lasbela.
All the medical teams are carrying the necessary medicines and facilities to treat the gastro patients in the affected areas.
Moreover, a base camp has already been set up by the teaching hospital Khuzdar in Aranji.
The DG Health Dr. Noor Qazi is personally supervising the situation of gastro outbreak in Khuzdar and thus taking necessary steps to deal with it.

Daily Independent

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