This is how you can cope with toxic parenting traits of ‘highly narcissistic’ people

Navigating the complexities of relationships with narcissistic parents becomes easier with the release of a comprehensive guide by esteemed psychologist, Dr Ramani Durvasula.

Dr Ramani Durvasula, a psychologist of high repute, is a professor of psychology at California State University, Los Angeles, and founder of LUNA Education. She brings her extensive expertise to light in this guide. Drawing from her profound understanding of psychology, she offers actionable insights to navigate and transform strained parent-child dynamics.

The guide offers essential insights and strategies to cope with the challenges presented by highly narcissistic parents, aiding in fostering healthier interactions.

Toxic Traits Unveiled

The guide highlights six prevalent toxic traits frequently exhibited by highly narcissistic parents, each contributing to a challenging upbringing for their children:

1. Public Adoration, Private Criticism

Narcissistic parents often present a façade of support in public, while behind closed doors, they subject their children to harsh criticism, causing emotional turmoil.

2. Sibling Strife through Favouritism

Unequal treatment of siblings is a common theme, as these parents often play favourites, igniting rivalry and emotional distress among children.

3. Children as Reflections

Viewing their offspring as extensions of themselves, narcissistic parents condition love and approval upon compliance, causing children to suppress their true selves.

4. Emotional Mirroring and Mismatching

Children are expected to mirror parental emotions, and any mismatch results in accusations of disloyalty, leading to a disconnect from one’s own feelings.

5. Seeds of Mistrust

Narcissistic parents cultivate an atmosphere of mistrust by sharing selective information, creating a divisive ‘us versus them’ dynamic among siblings.

6. Undermining Individuality

Children’s aspirations and interests are often disregarded, as these parents undermine ambitions and preferences, eroding self-confidence.

Empowerment Through Coping Strategies

Dr. Durvasula’s guide offers practical strategies for dealing with the challenges posed by narcissistic parents:

– Trusted Adult Approach:

Foster a safe space for children to express themselves without fear of judgment. Encourage open conversations and convey unconditional support.

– Breaking the Cycle:

Adults raised by narcissistic parents can lead by example. Model empathy for your children and demonstrate compassion and respect in interactions.

Dr Durvasula’s guide serves as a beacon of hope for individuals seeking to navigate the complexities of narcissistic parenting.

By understanding these toxic traits and implementing effective coping strategies, individuals can pave the way for healthier, more fulfilling relationships with their parents, siblings, and ultimately, themselves.

Daily Independent

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