The salvation of Pakistan and the freedom of occupied Kashmir are intertwined.

(Shujauddin Shaikh)
Lahore (PR): This was said by the Ameer of Tanzeem e Islami Shujauddin Shaikh in a statement. The Ameer said that on 19 July 1947, the All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference unanimously passed the historic resolution for accession to Pakistan, in Srinagar. The ratification of this resolution demonstrated that the hearts of the Kashmiri people beat with Pakistan and its citizens. However, on 26 October 1947, Maharaja Hari Singh of Kashmir, contrary to the wishes of the Kashmiri Muslims and to appease global imperialist powers, declared accession to India. Since then, the Muslims of Kashmir have been continuously writing a great saga of sacrifices to fulfill the agenda of the establishment of Pakistan. The Ameer said that the designs of Narendra Modi, who has been elected as the Prime Minister of India for the third time, regarding occupied Kashmir, are extremely sinister. Therefore, there is a need for practical steps rather than merely celebrating “Pakistan Accession Day.” The fact is that when India abrogated Articles 370 and 35-A of its constitution on 5 August 2019, and annexed occupied Kashmir into India, it was a direct challenge to Pakistan and the Kashmiri Muslims residing on both sides of the Line of Control. The Ameer lamented that the western countries and international institutions that claim to be the ‘champions of human rights’ have not only supported the cruel steps taken by India on 5 August 2019, but have virtually become partners in crime in Indian atrocities in Occupied Kashmir. They are not even willing to condemn the brutal actions of India that are in stark violation of international law, let alone taking punitive measures against India. The Ameer remarked that it is a matter of great shame that most Muslim counties are siding with the oppressive Indian regime instead of the oppressed Kashmiri Muslims, due to petty economic and political benefits. The Ameer urged the government of Pakistan that no negotiations with India should be considered unless India revokes its actions of 5 August 2019. The Ameer said that Pakistan came into being on the basis of the Kalima-e-Tayiba, yet the Islamic system was not established here, due to which Pakistan could never become an ideal for the Kashmiris. He concluded by asserting that if Pakistan becomes a genuine fortress of Islam, then Kashmiris, who chant the slogan “Pakistan se Rishta Kya: La Illaha Ill Allah” and “Kashmir baney ga Pakistan”, would gain immense vigor and no power in the world would be able to stop Kashmir from getting freedom from India thereafter. In Sha Allah!
Issued by:
Khursheed Anjum
Markazi Nazim Nashr o Ishaat

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