The prime minister said the May 9 incident was a conspiracy against Pakistan, Pakistan Army

.:The prime minister said the May 9 incident was a conspiracy against Pakistan, Pakistan Army and Chief of Army Staff as Imran Niazi, his associates, some persons from Army and their family members wanted to overthrow the leadership of Pakistan Army, create chaos and cause civil war in Pakistan.

He clarified that the cases of those who attacked civilian installations, would be tried in anti-terrorism courts and of those who attacked military installations, would face cases in military courts.

Imran Niazi was the mastermind of the mayhem that led to the incident of May 9 and thugs associated with him burnt military installations and desecrated monuments of the martyrs, he continued.

He said the hostility of Imran Niazi towards Pakistan was exposed, adding a conspiracy was hatched and Nawaz Sharif was sentenced in false cases to oust him from politics.

Now all that conspiracy was unearthed and the mastermind of the conspiracy was former judge Saqib Nisar, he said while reiterating that name of Nawaz Sharif was not among the 400 persons mentioned in the Panama Papers but he was falsely convicted.

He said judges did not take suo moto notice to determine the role of Sadiq Nisar in the conspiracy against Nawaz Sharif and his party leaders who were put behind bars and denied bails for years in fabricated cases.

He demanded that through a transparent and all-encompassing process of accountability, all those who waged vendetta against Nawaz Sharif and his party and their families, should be held accountable.

He said the decision to send Nawaz Sharif abroad was taken by a medical board formed by Imran Niazi. He informed that in the coming weeks, Nawaz Sharif will come back to Pakistan and face the cases against him.

He said Imran Niazi was not willing to face court in corruption cases including scams of wheat, sugar, Malam Jabba, billion tree tsunami, hydel power projects and bus project in Peshawar in which there was irrefutable evidence against him.

He Imran Niazi responsible for damaging Pakistan’s economy and its relations with friendly and brotherly countries.

He lamented that the courts delayed the project of Orange Line Train for years while refusing to investigate and hold hearings in cases of Peshawar Bus Transit project.

He said there was NAB-Niazi nexus and the nexus destroyed the economy of Pakistan.

The prime minister said recent amendments to the accountability law were introduced to protect politicians, bureaucrats and officials from misguided accountability in the future and to give them an opportunity to serve the country. He said the officers were not ready to work due to fear of NAB and the businessmen and investors had stopped making investments so the amendments in the law were necessary.

He said he and Nawaz Sharif did not resort to victimization of political opponents and they and their families also did not take advantage of the amendment in the accountability law while appearing in court cases.

To a question, he said in the past politicians and technocrats became caretakers, adding the caretaker prime minister should be impartial so that nobody could raise objections on the result of the next elections.

He said according to the Constitution and law, it was the responsibility of the Election Commission to announce the date for elections. Pakistan needed national integrity and a charter of economy so it could focus its resources on economic revival and progress, he added.

Shehbaz said the Council of Common Interests would give approval to the population census. The population was a big challenge for Pakistan as huge resources were needed to give employment to millions of people and usher in economic revolution, he opined.

The previous hybrid system of governance was devastating for the country, he said adding all the institutions should work within the ambit of the Constitution.

He said seat adjustment was possible in the elections with the allied parties and PML(N) had formed a committee comprising Khawaja Asif, Khawaja Saad Rafique, Ahsan Iqbal, Ayaz Sadiq and others to take decisions related to elections. He said Nawaz Sharif would be the candidate of PML(N) for the post of prime minister.

Daily Independent

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