The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Food Safety and Halal Food Authority remains committed to battle the food adulteration mafia

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Food Safety and Halal Food Authority remains committed to battle the food adulteration mafia. In a recent operation, the Food Safety team in Peshawar raided a unit suspected of producing harmful tea leaves on Ring Road. During the raid, food safety inspection team confiscated hundreds of kilograms harmful tea leaves.


In this connection, while issuing details the spokesperson for the Food Safety Authority, revealed that the raid was conducted based on confidential information received by the inspection team. During raid, over 1500 kilograms of substandard and harmful tea leaves were confiscated. The tea leaves were found to be tainted with non-food colors, chickpea husk, brawn, and jaggery syrup before being circulated across the city.


Subsequent to the raid, the unit was sealed, and further measures were initiated in line with the Food Safety Act. The operation was overseen by Deputy Director Operations Peshawar Division, Zeshan Mahsood.


Director General of the Food Safety Authority, Shafiullah Khan, lauded the successful operation and urged inspection teams to persist in their efforts against the food adulteration mafia and the illegal trade of hazardous food and beverage items throughout the province. He stressed the significance of uninterrupted operations, particularly with Ramadan approaching, to combat such activities effectively. Khan reaffirmed the commitment to tackle and eradicate such malpractices with full determination.

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