The Federal Investigation Agency on the Pak-Afghan border arrested Chaudhry Abdul Basit, the son of the former member of the provincial assembly Rawalpindi, Chaudhry Amjad Mehmood, who was involved in the 9th May incidents, while thwarting his attempt to escape to Afghanistan.

The Federal Investigation Agency on the Pak-Afghan border arrested Chaudhry Abdul Basit, the son of the former member of the provincial assembly Rawalpindi, Chaudhry Amjad Mehmood, who was involved in the 9th May incidents, while thwarting his attempt to escape to Afghanistan.
By M.Ilyas
Peshawar : Federal Investigation Agency authorities arrested Chaudhary Abdul Basit during a secret action on Pak-Afghan Torkham border, the attempt against of Chaudhary Abdul Basit, son of former MPA of PTI Rawalpindi, Chaudhary Amjad Mehmood, to escape to Afghanistan was investigated by the Federal Investigation Agency. According to the FIA ​​officials, the accused wanted to move from Afghanistan to Europe. Acting on the secret information, the accused was arrested.The accused was wanted by the Punjab police in the 9th May riots.After the arrest, the federal investigation agency completed the legal proceedings and handed over them to the Rawalpindi Police.According to police sources, several ministers of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have managed to escape to Afghanistan and their arrest has not been carried out yet.

Daily Independent

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