The country needs a think tank which gives line of action to institutions, bureaucracy and government, Central Deputy Secretary Information Muslim League Qayyum


*Islamabad/Muslim League Qayyum*
July 15, 2023

*The country needs a think tank which gives line of action to institutions, bureaucracy and government, Central Deputy Secretary Information Muslim League Qayyum*

*Increasing food and electricity rates is the government’s incompetence, Central Deputy Information Secretary Faisal Anwar*

Pakistan Muslim League Qayyum Central Deputy Secretary Information and Broadcasting Faisal Anwar says that Pakistan needs a strong think tank that can give a line of action to the country’s institutions, bureaucracy and government. The government will have to get rid of incompetent advisers and ministers. He said that the responsibility of filling the national treasury is not of the poor people but of the former rulers. Because of whose wrong policies, the nation is having to see this day. Faisal Anwar said that by increasing the electricity rate per unit, the effort of the people to breathe has also been eliminated. Muslim League Qayyum demands from the government and the bureaucracy to reduce the electricity rates instead of increasing them so that the people can do business and the factories of the country can be staffed by workers.
Faisal Anwar said that Muslim League Qayyum had pointed out earlier that no one is abiding by the rate list in the market, everyone has set their profit margin without any law, but the government has not taken any action. We understand that the government machinery does not want to give relief to the people.
He said that the bureaucracy, price control magistrate committees, union councilors, district administrations and committees including the concerned police station in-charge are all equal partners in this inflation.
Deputy Secretary Information Faisal Anwar said that instead of rubbing noses in front of the IMF, the rulers should focus on restoring the country’s economy and industry. Investors will be encouraged to see Pakistan develop. For the past several years, the economy of the country is being stunk into the blood of the people.

Daily Independent

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