The central leader of Gwadar Haq Do Tehreek and provincial General Secretary, Jamaa’t-e-Islami (JI) Balochistan, Maulana Hidayatur Rehman has stated the problems of people of Gwadar have been increased further after the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) came into power.


QUETTA: The central leader of Gwadar Haq Do Tehreek and provincial General Secretary, Jamaa’t-e-Islami (JI) Balochistan, Maulana Hidayatur Rehman has stated the problems of people of Gwadar have been increased further after the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) came into power.
Even the illegal trawling for fishing has been increased further after the PDM’s rule what to say about anything else, Maulana Hidayatur Rehman alleged while addressing a news conference at the Quetta Press Club on Sunday.
The Gwadar Haq Do Tehreek leader arrived in the press club to meet the press and share his heart out with media persons at the presser after he was released by the Gwadar police on the apex court orders in a murder case back in his hometown, Gwadar.
Maulana Hidayatur Rehman said that Haq Do Tehreek is a peaceful and democratic movement. He said that we waged democratic struggle for securing rights and for the purpose, also staged dharna, he added.
He said that all their demands were under the country’s constitution. Recalling the Tehreek’s negotiations with the government over its protest, he mentioned that CM Bizenjo had arrived in Gwadar and promised to fulfill all the demands within a month.
But, it was started to oppose the demands instead of meeting them, he recalled.
He went on to charge that a nationalist party compelled the government not to meet our demands.
Thus, they staged protest sit-in in compulsion on October 27, 2022, adding he recalled. On that, the nationalist party had threatened the government not to hold dialogue with the Haq Do Tehreek, otherwise it would end its support to the federal and provincial governments, Maulana Hidayatur Rehman charged.
He questioned that when the negotiations could be made with the “angry” Balochs then why not with those accepting the state.
He charged that those sitting in the provincial assembly are busy in looting the province.
He said that impression is being given that all is well in the province, which is not fair.
He said that he was imprisoned for four and half months., but did not give up.
He also said that we would be resuming our activities under the Haq Do Tehreek in Gwadar in few days.

Daily Independent

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