The black eyes

“The black eyes”
(Story By Jaffar Shah)

Once me and my friend went to a park. We were talking to each other about our favorite game. I asked, “did you see the game” and he was like “yes it was fun”. We were just joking around like talking for hours then we felt something weird. All of a sudden everyone’s eyes turned black and they were looking like statues. After a while we noticed that everyone’s eyes turned black but our eyes didn’t. We were so confused and worried that what to do then I had an idea. I cried, “My friend! let’s go to my home”. When we got there I was like “quick in here”. I pulled the lever and The Secret base opened. My friend said “wow! how did you make this”. I was like “no time to explain let’s go and defeat the monster”. He screamed, “what monster?????” I said, “didn’t you notice there was a monster who turned all of the people’s eyes black”. He exclaimed, “what!!!!” We arrived down at the base. There were a lot of weapons like guns and grenades. My friend said “oh my God! Are those weapons???”. I said “yes! Take this list and pick up the weapons that are in the list”.
We picked Five grenades, 100 amo, AK 47 and m416.
Me and My friend equipped the Armour and took all the required things. We were ready to fight against the monster. We went back to the park and pulled out our weapons and grenades. We fired and threw grenades at the monster’s eyes. I counted “3,2,1…..boom….”. We heard the monster’s screaming. It’s blood was Dripping on the ground. It screamed and screamed and disappeared leaving smoke everywhere, nobody know’s where…
All the people became normal, like nothing happened with them.

Moral of the story: Never get scared.

Daily Independent

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