The 5th meeting of the Project Planning and Steering Committee of KOPIA Center Pakistan was held at National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad.


• The 5th meeting of the Project Planning and Steering Committee of KOPIA Center Pakistan was held at National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad.
• Selective Semen Technology can improve the livestock sector. Chairman PARC, Dr. Ghulam Muhammad Ali
• Pakistan and Republic of Korea are important partners in agriculture sector. Hwang Myung Hwan, Diplomatic Counselor, Republic of Korea

Islamabad: (PR&P PARC) Pakistan and Republic of Korea are working together in different research projects (potato seed, chili and fodder crop production technologies) under Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) and Korea Program on International Agriculture (KOPIA). The outcome of these projects will boost the production and quality of these crops and PARC highly acknowledged this cooperation from Govt. of Korea, stated by Chairman PARC Dr. Ghulam Muhammad Ali. In his address he emphasized that this cooperation may be extended to livestock sector and sex Semen technology also. He assured close cooperation to Korean counterparts from PARC and appreciated people of Korea for different joint ventures in research. 5th Meeting of Project Planning and Steering Committee of KOPIA-Pakistan Centre at National Agricultural Research Center, Islamabad, chaired by Dr. Ghulam Muhammad Ali. In this meeting Korean scientists, representatives of Korean Embassy, M/o NFS&R, Universities and senior management participated.
Dr. Cho Gyoungrae, Director of KOPIA-Pakistan Center, presented the outcome of already on-going projects and future work plan of the center. He informed the committee about ongoing progress of different running projects. He added that 160,000 tons certified seed potato will be produced under the project “Pakistan-Korea Joint Program on Certified Seed Potato Production System”. He assured cooperation in livestock sector will be extended.
Talking on the occasion Mr. Hwang Myeng Hwan Councelor, Embassy of the Republic of Korea, said that Pakistan is significant partner in agriculture. And Govt. of Korea will extend its support through KOPIA-Pakistan Center. He appreciated the progress of projects and said that Korea is celebrating 40 years cooperation with Pakistan in June 2023.
Dr. Aish Muhammad, the Project Coordinator, presented three new projects on Breed Improvement through Efficient Artificial Insemination services by using Korean Friesian sexed semen in Cattle, Dissemination of improved fodder production technology, and Production of quality chilies to enhance chili export technologies. Project steering committee approved three projects for onward submission to Rural Development Authority Korea.

Daily Independent

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