Tehreek Tahafuz Aayeen-e-Pakistan gets underway from Balochistan:

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Tehreek Tahafuz Aayeen-e-Pakistan (movement of protection of constitution of Pakistan) got underway from Balochistan with the maiden public meeting held under the auspices of six parties alliance of the Opposition at Pishin on Saturay.
The public meeting organized at the Taj Lala football stadium was presided over by the Chairman of Pashtoonkhaw Milli Awami Party (PkMAP) and President of the movement, Mehmood Khan Achakzai and participated by the secretary General of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Umar Ayub Khan, President Balochistan National Party, Sardar Akhtar Mengal, Head of the Summi Tehreek Council, Sahibzada Hamid Raza, Head of Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslameen, Allama Raja Nasir Abbas, PTI leader, Sher Afzal Marwat, senior leader of JI Balochistan, Dr. Attaur Rehman besides other provincial leaders of the opposition parties.
Speaking on the occasion, Chairman PkMAP and other leaders urged all segments of the society to join the movement aimed at protection of constitution of the country and supremacy of law besides ensuring rights of the people of country.
They stressed the need that all institutions of the country including Pak army have to abide by their oath and ensure supremacy of law and constitution.
The leadership of the six-parties alliance also pledged to make Pakistan best country of the world with support of the people and collective wisdom.
The Chairman PkMAP asked the people who believe in supremacy of constitution and to join in the movement. He stressed that “let make Pakistan a democratic country together.” He said that we want such Pakistan where the rights of all nationalities are protected and there is their hold on their resources.
He stressed that every institution of the country would have to follow the constitution and abide by their oath.
He said that we have to bring revolution in the country with power of the masses and it is our firm resolve to make the country democratically stronger.
He said that if all nationalities are given their due rights, no one could dismantle and destabilize the country.
He also said Pakistan is our country and we would not let anyone to impose war on it. He said that we have raised voice the oppressed people of the country.
Chairman PkMAP said that actually who breaks and violates the constitution is actually the traitor of country.
He said that we would oppose those who don’t believe in supremacy of constitution.
In his speech, the President BNP Sardar Akhtar Mengal said that we reject the government formed through Form 47 in the country.
He said that our struggle would remain continued till supremacy of constitution and securing rights of the nationalities in country.
He on the occasion gave credit of start of protest movement for supremacy and protection of the constitution to the Chairman PkMAP, Mehmood Khan Achakzai. He said that the credit of start of the movement for protection of constitution goes to Chairman PkMAP.
He said that our workers have faced the toughest martial laws in the country, and so we would do everything possible for achieving our goals.
He said that the peoples’ mandate has been stolen by those ruling the country. He said that the right of use of franchise of the people has also been stolen. He alleged that those were declared successful in the general elections were not familiar to the people of their constituencies even. The people of their communities don’t recognize those who were declared successful in the elecctions, he charged.
He said that the common men are facing worst financial conditions in the country. He also lashed out at the rulers for not resolving the issue of missing persons in the country.
Earlier, speaking on the occasion, the central Secretary General of PTI, Umar Ayub said that there is a government of those declared successful in the elections based on the Form 47. He said that we don’t accept the regime of the Form 47 holders.
He said that we have to ensure supremacy of law and constitution and this is why the movement has been started by the 6-parties alliance.
He said that the people have been in the forefront to make the movement successful.
He announced that the Opposition alliance would hold public meetings all over the country and would go to all segments of the society. He said that we have come out for jehad and would take our rights at every cost through our movement.
He said that the PTI Quaid Imran Khan would come out from the jail if the supremacy of law and constitution is ensured in the country.
Umar Ayub on the occasion criticized the provincial government and local administration for creating hurdles in way of the workers of different parties to Pishin public meeting.
The Sunni Council’s leader Sahibzada Hamid Raza said that Pakistan is our country, but people are tortured for raising voice for their rights.
He paid tributes to those who are facing tough conditions in the country. He said that the leadership of all provinces is present in the Pishin public meeting.
He said that there’s no more room for usurping rights of the people and violating democracy in Pakistan.
He said that no one can stand in front of the power of people. He said that the people had voted to PTI in February 8 elections.
The MWM’s central leader Raja Allama Nasir Abbas said that Pakistan is passing through very critical juncture. The country would come out of the prevailing crisis only when it is run in accordance with the constitution, he said.
He said that the constitution of the country unites us, so we have decided to protect it together.
He said that it is our resolve to make the parliament stronger in the country.
He said that we are going to our movement from Pishin to the whole country. He said that Pakistan would progress only with supremacy of law and constitution.
The JI’s leader, Dr. Attaur Rehman, PkMAP’s Abdul Rahim Ziaratwal and PTI’s Sher Afzal Marwat also addressed the public meeting.
A large number of workers of different opposition parties including PTI, PkMAP, BNP and others participated in the public meeting despite raining there.

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