Tally of patients increases to 48 this season: Two more cases of Congo virus reported in Quetta

Independent Report

QUETTA: Two more cases of Congo virus have been reported in the Fatima Jinnah Institute of Chest Diseases and Hospital Quetta on Thursday.
According to the Fatima Jinnah Hospital sources, the fresh cases of Congo have been reported in the Hospital from Quetta.
The patients with symptoms of Congo virus were brought from Jinnah Town and Kasi road on Thursday morning and evening respectively.
The sources said that the cases of Congro virus have increased to 48 during this season.
In addition to this, 16 persons including 10 doctors, five health workers had been sent to Karachi for treatment.
Two of them died during treatment in Karachi while even number of Congo patients were discharged. Currently, 12 Congo patients including doctors and health workers are under treatment at the Agha Khan Hospital Karachi.

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