Taliban questions Motivations Behind Afghan Asylum Requests

KABUL – Sirajuddin Haqqani, the Acting Interior Minister of Afghanistan, vehemently refuted claims of harm to returning Afghans, categorically asserting that citizens could live in tranquility anywhere within the nation’s borders. Haqqani, addressing a spectrum of concerns, revealed that some Afghans returning from abroad had purportedly misrepresented their circumstances, fabricating tales of peril under the Taliban government. Notably, he cited cases of Afghanis who had previously resided in Pakistan and other nations, asserting their safety was compromised. Dismissing these narratives, Haqqani contended that there had been no repercussions for those who had allegedly worked as translators with NATO forces or written critically about the Afghan Taliban. Contrary to reports circulating in Western media, Haqqani adamantly denied any incidents of arrests or torture of interpreters or journalists within Afghanistan. He challenged the veracity of these claims, attributing them to misinformation aimed at seeking luxury life through political asylum in countries such as the United States, Europe, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Canada. The Acting Interior Minister expressed skepticism over the motivations behind Afghan citizens seeking asylum abroad, suggesting financial motivations as a primary driver. He argued that, despite a financial crisis, there was no disturbance to the peace and order in Afghanistan, questioning the necessity for such requests. In a bold stance, Haqqani urged international organizations like the UNHCR and Western nations to prioritize refugees from other conflict zones, including Myanmar, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, and Sudan, over Afghan asylum seekers. He underscored the need to address the global refugee crisis while emphasizing Afghanistan’s stability and debunking what he deemed as baseless claims propagated by certain media outlets. As Afghanistan navigates a complex period of transition, Haqqani’s words stand as a testament to the government’s commitment to dispelling misinformation and fostering an environment of peace and stability within its borders.

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