Swat DC suspends WSSC GM over irregularities, unjust promotions

Haroon Siraj

SWAT :- In a new development concerning the ongoing dispute over unauthorized promotions and increases in WSSC Swat by the HR General Manager, the Chief Executive Officer / Deputy Commissioner Swat Qasim Ali Khan took action by suspending the company’s General Manager (HR & admin), Asif Saleem, and initiating an investigation into the alleged irregularities and multiple promotions.

It has come to light that certain employees received promotions and raises without the knowledge of the deputy commissioner / chief executive officer of WSSC Swat. Moreover, due to suspected financial misconduct and abuse of authority, Deputy Commissioner Swat Qasim Ali Khan established a Fact and Finding Committee to thoroughly examine the matter, uncover procedural lapses, identify any officials involved, and address the misuse of power in government offices.

A three-member committee headed by Additional Deputy Commissioner F&P conducted a comprehensive investigation into the matter.

According to the findings, GM HR & admin Asif Saleem is found to be responsible for unauthorized promotions and raises, which not only violated company policies but also breached regulations.
Committee furthermore reveals, that several other officials were implicated in the investigation alongside the GM.

Based on the recommendations of the Fact and Finding Committee, the offices of the HR and Admin and Procurement Officer were sealed, and General Manager Asif Saleem was found guilty of illegitimately promoting multiple officers. The committee discovered that the GM had disregarded company rules by making promotions without the required authorization, and several department officials were also implicated in the misuse of authority.

Additionally, the committee noted that the General Manager failed to appear before the committee within the allotted two-day period and did not provide a statement.

The recommendations were forwarded to the provincial government by the chief executive officer of WSSC Swat / Deputy Commissioner for further action against Asif Saleem.

The public has praised the initiative taken by DC Swat to investigate the matter, and there are calls for similar investigations to be conducted in other government institutions to hold accountable those involved in corruption and malpractice.

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