Suspension of Officials Involved in Wheat Scandal Extended.

BY: M. Ilyas

ISLAMABAD – The government has officially extended the suspension periods of several high-ranking officials from the Ministry of National Food Security and Research in connection with the wheat scandal. This decision comes amid ongoing disciplinary proceedings concerning their alleged involvement, raising serious questions about food security management in the country.

1. Imtiaz Ahmed Gopang – Former Food Security Commissioner-II. Gopang’s suspension has been extended effective September 14, 2024, as per the notification issued by the relevant division. His suspension began on May 17, 2024, under Notification No. 1/5/2024-D.I. This extension is made in accordance with Rule 5(1) of the Civil Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules 2020, remaining in effect until the conclusion of the disciplinary proceedings against him.

2. Muhammad Asif – Officer of Pakistan Administrative Service: Asif’s suspension is also extended from September 14, 2024. He has been under suspension since May 17, 2024, as per the same notification. This extension aligns with Rule 5(1) of the aforementioned civil service rules until the disciplinary proceedings conclude.

3. Waseem ul Hassan – Former Food Security Commissioner-II. Dr. Hassan’s suspension period is extended effective September 14, 2024. He remains suspended under Notification No. 1/5/2024-D.I dated May 17, 2024, while the disciplinary investigation progresses.

4. Dr. Allah Ditta Abid – Former Director General, Department of Plant Protection: Dr. Abid’s suspension has also been extended from September 14, 2024, continuing his suspension that began in May 2024. His case remains under review in the context of the ongoing disciplinary actions.

5. Sohail Shahzad – Director, Department of Plant Protection: Mr. Shahzad’s suspension is extended effective September 14, 2024, maintaining his status since the initial notification in May. He is part of the disciplinary inquiry related to the wheat scandal.

This decisive action underscores the government’s commitment to addressing the issues surrounding the wheat scandal, ensuring accountability, and upholding the integrity of the civil service. The public is closely monitoring these developments, eagerly anticipating further updates on the matter.

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