Supporters of Terrorists Try to Use Women’s Card Again


For the past few days, supporters of terrorists have been staging a drama on the main highway at Pasni Zero Point, using the names of missing persons to disrupt traffic and even preventing ambulances from passing through, causing difficulties for medical emergencies. A similar incident occurred today when police tried to disperse protesters who were blocking an ambulance, leading to a scuffle between the two groups. The protesters even started making videos of the incident, including footage of a military vehicle passing by, which they falsely claimed was evidence of the military’s involvement.

This is not the first time that supporters of terrorists have tried to use the women’s card to further their agenda. They have been known to spread false propaganda and level baseless allegations against the military, claiming that they are being targeted and harassed. But the truth is that the military is working hard to protect the people of Pakistan, including the women who are being used as pawns in this game.

The message to these supporters of terrorists is clear: the rights of the people of Pakistan, including the military, will not be compromised. Your false propaganda will not succeed,gy because the world knows the truth about your terrorist activities.

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