SSP Imran Khan Frustrated Over Lack of Authority.

By M.Ilyas

PESHAWAR- SSP Coordination Imran Khan, purportedly from the PSP Group, finds himself sidelined amid claims of lacking authority in personnel transfers. Sources reveal a stark contrast as his junior counterpart, SP Raheem Hussain stationed at the headquarters, allegedly wields undue influence in transferring preferred officers, despite lacking formal authorization. Reports indicate a growing discontent within the ranks of Peshawar’s law enforcement, with SSP Imran Khan allegedly stripped of his authority to effect even minor transfers within the department, while junior officers exercise unchecked power. Originating from humble beginnings in Chitral, SSP Imran’s frustration came to light during a candid conversation with a colleague officer, where he disclosed feeling sidelined in key decision-making processes. During his tenure, SSP Imran reportedly faced reprimand from Peshawar Police Chief Syed Ashfaq Anwar for unauthorized transfers, prompting him to refrain from intervening in such matters thereafter. Despite his compliance, SP Raheem Hussain allegedly continues to execute personnel transfers without adhering to established protocols, casting a shadow over the transparency of the department’s operations. The Chitrali SSP laments the apparent disparity in treatment, highlighting the preferential treatment accorded to SP Raheem Hussain, whose alleged history of corruption stains his record. This perceived bypassing of authority raises concerns regarding accountability and procedural integrity within Peshawar’s law enforcement apparatus. As allegations swirl and concerns mount over the handling of personnel transfers within Peshawar’s law enforcement hierarchy, questions linger regarding the transparency and adherence to established protocols. The purported sidelining of SSP Imran Khan and the unchecked authority wielded by junior officers underscore the need for a thorough examination of the department’s internal dynamics to ensure accountability and uphold the integrity of its operations. In this regard, when SSP Imran was WhatsApped to assume his position, he replied that there is a ban on postings and transfers due to the election. However, when a copy of the transfer order, issued under his signature, was sent to him on WhatsApp in response, he did not respond to it.

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