Center forPublicDiplomacy,MFA.IRI
in Industry
on Fabruary 1st 1979, Imam Khomeini returned to Iran following 14 years in exile,
when he was welcomed by around three million Iranians in capital Tehran, and the
day of his arrival to the country has been named the first day of Ten-Day Fajr
celebrations, which are commemorated as a national celebration each year.
Following Imam Khomeini’s return to Iran, people around the country increased
their street protests to shout the mottos of independence, freedom and Islamic
republic under the leadership of the Imam.
Imam Khomeini lived around 14 years in exile from November 4, 1963 to February
1, 1979. First, he was sent to Turkey in 1963 and then to Iraq, but he spent the last
part of the exile in France in a village called Neauphle-le-Chateau.
Fajr: 10
days in
1979 that
the history
of Iran
However, protests and sit-ins pushed
the government to open the airport and
allow Imam’s return to Tehran.
February 1, 1979 is one of the most
important and memorable times in Iran’s
contemporary history, which saw the
most glorious welcome in human
history. People from around the country
came to the capital city to participate in
the welcome ceremony.
Imam Khomeini expressed gratitude
during his first speech at the Mehrabad
Airport, emphasizing on unity among all
walks of life as a key to victory of the
Islamic Revolution.
As a result of people’s steadfastness in
maintaining presence in protests and
strikes, the Shah’s regime toppled soon
and the Islamic Revolution reached its
final victory on February 11, 1979.
After the last Shah of Iran left the
country on January 16, 1979, the Imam
announced that the Shah’s exit from Iran
is the first phase of ending criminal
Pahlavi regime, which has happened as
a result of bravery protests by the
Iranian people.
Imam Khomeini was to leave France for
Iran on January 6, 1979, but Iran’s civil
aviation organization declared that all
flights are cancelled because of bad
weather condition.
Iranian protestors poured into streets to
show their resentment to such a
decision, calling for Imam’s return as
soon as possible. The protestors
marched towards Mehrabad Airport.
The then Ettelaat newspaper reported
that west and southwest Tehran turned
into scenes of fire and blood, when
military forces tried to stop protestors.
The monarchy was replaced by a divine Islamic and democratic system which was
designed to defend the rights of people belonging to all layers of society.
One of the major accomplishments of the Islamic revolution was a historic referendum.
A vast majority of public and masses voted in favor of establishing and Islamicdemocratic system.
Imam in a historic statement said that one of the abundance of this revolution has
been that it has triggered the collapse of monarchy. The great leader also went onto
say that the robbers, and plunderers have been chased away from this country and
their access have been cut off from the nation’s resources.
The great Imam concluded by saying that now the Iranian nation has freedom which
is the greatest divine bounty.
The great Imam backed by vast masses and public established a comprehensive
system based on freedom and independence.
Iran held several referendums, and presidential and parliamentary elections over the
past decades following the victory of the Islamic revolution.
A comprehensive Islamic constitution can be considered another accomplishments of
the revolution.
The great Imam also made clear that the people will form an Islamic-democratic
government and he would continue to issue guidance for the masses and public.
The great leader has frequently stressed that Iran under his leadership would abide by
the Islamic laws and would spare no efforts to maintain law and order and respect the
rights of citizens.
Many scholars and intellectuals believe that the founder of the Islamic Republic truly
exemplified the true and genuine teachings of the holy prophet of Islam and his
infallible successors in his lifestyle.
The Islamic-democratic system under Imam Khomeini leadership brought
prosperity for the Iranian nation and strengthened the oppressed people across the
Imam Khomeini’s successor, Ayatollah Khamenei has also indicated that the fruit of the
efforts made during the past forty five years is before the world’s eyes: an independent
country and nation; free; powerful; dignified; faithful; advanced in science; full of
valuable experiences; confident and hopeful; with essential impact on the region and
a strong logic on global issues; with records in the growth rate of scientific advances,
and in earning high ranks in important sciences and technology such as nuclear
science, stem cells, nanoscience, aerospace and so forth; leading in expanding social
services; excelling in promoting jihadi [volunteering] motivations among young
people; leading in having an efficient young population and many other honorwinning features which are all the products of the Revolution and the result of taking
the revolutionary and jihadi direction.
The forthcoming pages manifests some of the accomplishments of Islamic Republic of
Iran during the last 45 Years.
The Islamic Republic of Iran enjoys a rich
and lavish history and boasts one of the
world’soldestcivilizations.Iranis locatedin
southwest Asia, in the Middle East and is
the 18th largest country by area in the
world, spanning from as far north as
Armenia orTurkmenistan to as far south as
the Persian Gulf. The country’s size and
position have historically made it a
strategic bridge for east-west and northsouth trade routes which indicates its
potential to be a regional hub for
commerce and an attractive tourist
Iranisoneoftherarecountries intheworld
which enjoys four distinctive seasons. In
the north, the evergreen forests draw a
parallel line to the beautiful serene waters
of the Caspian Sea which makes the
country’s climate most pleasant. In the
south, Iran borders the Persian Gulf with
gorgeous and appealing palm trees and a
hot and humid climate. To the east of Iran,
one can find hot desserts with running
sand and starry nights. On the west, this
vast land is endowed with mountains high
Relying on this background and natural
resources, the Islamic Republic of Iran has
been trying for the past 45 years to
promote the name of Iran in all possible
fields and achieve achievements that will
an Overview of the
Achievements of the Islamic
Republic of Iran
Following the Islamic
Revolution, Iran
experienced a significant
surge in literacy rates, with
a doubling of the
population’s ability to read
and write, while the
proportion of students
attending higher education
institutions nearly
quadrupled. Iran also
achieved the top ranking in
gender disparity in higher
education attainment. The
number of universities in
the country increased by a
factor of 13, leading to a
substantial rise in the
quantity of physicians,
Ph.D. holders, academic
staff, and full professors.
Trends in Iran’s Scientific Production
Clarivate Analytics, Scopus, and ISC statistics indicate that volume of national and
international scientific publications of the Iranian researchers has been constantly
expanding over the past two decades and Iran has kept its scientific campaign run
smoothly despite the international sanctions. According to Islamic World Science
Citation Center (ISC), Iran ranks second in terms of publication output among the
top 25 countries in 2019. With a growth rate of 10.4%, actually Iran is the secondjust after China (12.9%) in the 25 top countries. Based on the Scopus database, Iran
attains 4th rank in terms of citation impact engineering publications and 11th rank
in terms of number of the same papers in 2020. Percentage share of Iran’s scientific
publications of total global scientific publications is 1.98% in 2020 and its
contribution to global engineering publications is 2.7% raised from 1.7% and 2.4%,
respectively, in 2010 and 2017.
Status of Iran in World University Rankings
The government has sought to expand the higher education system including
universities as the main strategy to improve its human capital. In Leiden’s 2022
ranking, 44 universities from Iran are among top universities. Iran tops the Islamic
countries with respect to the number of universities in Leiden’s 2022 ranking. The
following figure shows Iran’s performance in terms of number of universities listed
in Leiden’s Ranking in 2012-2022.
Developments in Engineering Sciences
Iran with a growth rate of 3.13% ranks 3rd among top 15 countries in engineering
publications that has made a positive growth in 2021 as compared to 2020.
Iran has effectively managed to improve its rank (in normalized citation score of
engineering publications) over the past decade: Iran’s normalized citation score of
engineering publications is 1.35 in 2021 which means Iran has performed 57%
better than the world average. Total normalized citation score of Iran is 1.15, that is
Iran has been more successful in engineering field (throughout the studied period
performance of Iran in engineering has been better than country’s total).
Islamic Republic of Iran has experienced
the fastest scientific growth in the world
despite crippling sanctions
IRIdevelopmentin Science
A Summary of IRI Achievemnets in Science and Technology:
Iran currently ranks 9th in satellite launches, 8th in nano-technology, and 13th in
telecommunication infrastructure. Over the past five years, the value of Iran’s biotech products has tripled to reach a staggering 3 billion dollars. Pioneering
achievements include the colonization of living organisms and the creation of
numerous transgenic animals. Furthermore, Iran has successfully cultivated
human tissue on transgenic animals, resulting in its first successful transgenic
liver transplant. Iran’s diverse range of nanotechnology companies have
revolutionized fields such as food, medicine, electronics, national security,
aerospace, computers, energy, and more through cutting-edge advancements
in nano-science. Iran has successfully mastered the technology for the complete
nuclear fuel cycle as well as the production of essential radiopharmaceuticals.
Additionally, Iran has made significant advancements in nuclearpumped lasers,
sophisticated nuclear counting systems and etc.
Creative Companies
In addition to the formation of KBFs, there is another type of company under
the support plan of the government, which officially came into existence in
Iran in 2017 and was named “Creative Company”. The main activity of creative
companies is in the field of art, creative industries, culture, and digital services.
Creative companies use creativity, innovation, and new business models in
offering new products and services. However, the growth and development of
their products and services are not based on advanced technology. The total
number of creative companies in 2021 has reached 1,412
nowledge-Based Firms
After approval of the Law on Supporting Knowledge-Based Firms in 2010 and
its implementation in 2013, various supportive mechanisms were developed
for KBFs. Total number of Iran’s KBFs mounts to 8020, from which 5226 are
manufacturing and 2794 are start-ups.
Science and Technology Parks
According to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, as of Nov
2021, there are 49 Science and Technology Parks across the country. There
is at least 1 STP in each province and in some provinces, there are more than
1 namely; Tehran (12), Razavi Khorasan, Semnan, Markazi, and Hormozgan
with (2) STPs each.
The Global Innovation Index (GII)
The Islamic Republic of Iran is 2nd in the region once again, climbing to 53rd
place in 2022, improving notably from the 95th place it held back in 2011
and establishing itself as a middle-income economy with the potential to
transform the global innovation landscape.
Since 2005, Iran has joined the club of
space countries by sending the Sina 1
satellite, which was sent into orbit with the
help of Russia. Since then, the Iranian
Space Agency has put planning for the use
of space and the expansion of space
technologies in the country using local
knowledge and international cooperation
on the agenda.
Then, Iran was able to move towards
launching satellites in addition to
designing and building them by creating
scientific infrastructures which were
achieved by developing space launch
In addition to the development of space
launch terminals, the development of
satellite carriers has also been effective in
achieving the country’s cycle of designing
and producing indigenous satellites.
The ‘Safir’ satellite carrier was designed
and built in 2008 and the ‘Simorgh’ satellite
carrier was in 2017. ‘Sarir’ and ‘Soroush’
satellite carriers also added to the space
technology of the country.
Iran managed to launch several satellites
with this equipment, some of which were
successful and some of which were
‘Sina-1’ was the first Iranian artificial
satellite, launched at 6:52 UTC on October
28, 2005, on board a Cosmos-3M Russian
launch vehicle from the Plesetsk
Cosmodrome. Remote sensing, receiving,
storing and sending telecommunication
data were the two missions of this satellite.
Iran launched its first homemade satellite,
‘Omid’ (Hope), in 2009. fter being
launched by an Iranian-made carrier rocket,
Safir 1, the satellite was placed into a low
Earth orbit. Omid was a data-processing
satellite for research and
A The launch, which coincided with the
30th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution
was also verified by NASA the following day
as a success. The launch of Omid made Iran
the ninth country to develop an indigenous
satellite launch capability.
‘Rasad’ (Observation) was another Iranian
satellite which was launched in 2011. The
third Iranian satellite, and the second to be
launched successfully using an indigenous
rocket, Rasad was Iran’s first imaging
satellite. Launched aboard a Safir-B carrier
rocket, it was successfully placed into a low
Earth orbit at an altitude of 236 by 299
kilometres (147 by 186 mi), inclined at 55.7
degrees. It made approximately fifteen
orbits per day. The launch occurred at
approximately 09:14 UTC on 15 June 2011
with the spacecraft reaching orbit several
minutes later.
The satellite had a mass of 15.3 kilograms
(34 lb) and returned images with a
resolution of 150 metres (490 ft). It was
equipped with solar panels to generate
power. The satellite decayed from orbit
three weeks after launch, on 6 July 2011.
‘Navid’ (Promise) was an experimental
Iranian Earth observation satellite. As the
third satellite launched indigenously by
Iran, it carried a camera for taking higherresolution imagery of Earth and it was also
used to collect weather data and monitor
natural disasters. The launch occurred at
approximately 00:04 UTC on 3 February
2012. The satellite remained in orbit for two
months, before reentering the atmosphere
on 1 April 2012.
Fajr’ (Dawn) satellite was launched on 2
February 2015. It had a mass of 52 kg and
was equipped with an optical imaging
payload which would have reached a
ground resolution of about 500 metres
(1,600 ft).
It was the first Iranian satellite to use a coldgas thruster system to conduct orbital
maneuvers and increase its service life by
raising its orbit to prevent a fast decay. Fajr
was launched by a Safir-1B rocket from the
Iranian Space Agency’s launch site in
Semnan city. The satellite was deployed
into a low Earth orbit with a perigee of 224
km, an apogee of 470 km, an inclination of
55.53°, and an orbital period of 91.5
‘Payam’ (Message) satellite was launched
on 15 January 2019 with Simorgh satellite
carrier but according to the announcement
of then-Minister of Communications and
Information Technology Mohammad Javad
Azari Jahromi the launch was not
successful and the Payam satellite was not
put into orbit. The rocket carrying the
Payam satellite failed to reach the
“necessary speed” in the third stage of its
launch. It was designed and developed by
experts at the Amirkabir University of
Technology to carry out imagery and
telecommunication missions. It was aimed
to orbit the Earth at an altitude of 500
kilometers to take surveying images at high
‘Dousti’ (Friendship) satellite was the
second Iranian satellite which faced an
unsuccessful launch in 2017. It was a
micro-class 52-kilogram satellite developed
by experts from the Sharif University of
Technology. It was a remote-sensing
satellite, which was to orbit the Earth at an
altitude of between 250 km and 310 km.
The satellite was launched on a Safir-1B
rocket in February 2019, but did not reach
‘Zafar-1’, was an imaging satellite launched
in 2012 which didn’t achieve the required
speed to reach its orbit. It plummeted into
the Indian Ocean after it failed to reach
The elite force of Iran’s Islamic
Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)
successfully launched the ‘Noor-1’ (Light)
satellite by the domestically-built launcher
Qassed (Messenger) on 22 April 2020 and
placed it into orbit at an altitude of 425km.
The launch of Noor-1 which is the Islamic
Republic’s first military satellite was carried
out on the anniversary of the establishment
of the IRGC.
‘Noor-2’, the second and only operational
satellite of the Noor class, was launched on
8 March 2022 to a 500 kilometer orbit. The
mission of the satellite is reconnaissance,
and it was placed in orbit after 480 seconds
at a speed of 6.7 km/s. Two Noor satellites
have been launched from the Shahrud
Desert in Iran.
The Iranian satellite ‘Khayyam’ was
launched on a Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket
from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in
Kazakhstan on 9 August 2022. It is named
after the Iranian polymath Omar Khayyam.
Khayyam is a 600 kilograms (1,300 lb)
satellite situated in an orbit 500 kilometres
(310 mi) above the Earth’s surface. Its main
purpose is to collect information and
images from the Earth’s surface with a
resolution of 1 metre (3.3 feet). It is
designed to monitor and investigate the
Earth’s surface, both for government and
civilian purposes.
in fields related to
If someone wishes to deprive a woman from
being able to take part in scientific activities
based on the Islamic perspective, or if he
prevents her from being active economically,
politically, or socially, he has acted against God’s
command. Women can participate in these
activities as much as their physical strength and
needs allow them to. They should do whatever
they can economically, politically, and socially.
The sacred laws of Islam do not stand in the way
of this.
Ayatollah Khamenei
Sept. 18, 1996
Women and Education
Increase of over 33.3% in female university faculty members
Women making up 34% of faculty members at medical universities
Women making up 56% of state university students in the country
Closing the gender gap in primary and secondary education in the country
Overcoming women and girls’ illiteracy with a ratio of 99.3%
Increased enrollment of high school female pupils by 84%
Active presence of over 9500 female authors and 840 female publishers
Increased enrollment of primary school female pupils by 115%
Increased ratio of female to male students by 48% Increase of over 33.3% in female
university faculty members
Women and Health
Implementation of the Universal Health Coverage Network for all urban inhabitants
and 99% of rural people and nomads
Performing of deliveries by female obstetricians in 95% of cases
Presence of 60 midwives and 2.8 gynecologists per 100,000 women across the
Increase of women’s life expectancy to 78 years
Reduction in neonatal mortality rate per 100,000 births by 8.2
Reduced mortality rate of children under 5 years of age by 14.2 per 100,000 births
Women making up 98% of all gynecological surgeons in the country
Women making up 40% of all specialist physicians and 30% of all subspecialty
Iranian women ranking 10th in the world for the lowest cervical cancer mortality rate
Women, Employment and Entrepreneurship
Implementing the “National Plan of Sustainable Family-Based Business Network” to
connect job seekers with entrepreneurs and companies
Provision of over 4200 micro-credit funds with 1200 billion Rials of governmental
credit for rural women
Over 2390 women serving on the boards of directors of knowledge-based
The unemployment rate for women dropping to 13.7%
Social Security Insurance coverage for housewives
Social Security Insurance coverage for women-headed households
Social Security Insurance coverage for all rural and nomad women and girls
Sustainable business development via implementation of Systematic Strategy Plan
for Rural and Nomadic Women Micro-Businesses based on LNSIE model
Women founding over 250 knowledge-based companies
Over 735 women working as managing directors in knowledge-based companies
Increased access to natural resources for women via women cooperatives and land
allocation to their unions
Implementing the National Employment Empowerment Plan with a particular focus
on rural and nomadic women Health
Women and Media
The presence of female directors and actresses as jury presidents at 45 international
film festivals
Increased women’s participation in information technology by 31.5%
Active involvement of 903 female filmmakers in film industry
Active presence of 2000 female specialists behind the scenes of cinema
Winning 114 national and 128 international awards at prestigious festivals by
female filmmakers
Increased access to information and communication technology for women:
Access to mobile phone: 26 million people (45% of the total users)
Access to the computer: 14.5 million people (48% of the total users)
Access to the internet: 187 million people (48% of the total users)
Women and Sports
Women get access to over 16111 gyms
Women have won 3302 medals at recent international sporting events
Female athletes have earned Olympic and Paralympic quota places
70 women are serving as heads of sports delegations across provinces
Women possess 97 international seats in sports federations worldwide
88366 women work as referees in national and international sporting events
There are 51 female presidents and Vice presidents for different sports federations
Women in Authority and Decision-Making Positions
Women holding 25.2 % of all government positions at all levels, including the
highest, middle, and basic executive positions
Women serving as the vice presidents for women and family affairs
Over 1000 women working as judges in the country
Increase in the number of women candidates to enter parliament by 227% in the
11th term
Increase in the number of women as parliament members by 16.5 times since the
first term
ncrease in women’s participation in the Islamic Consultative Assembly by 5.59%
Women, Environment, Climate and Crises
Provision of basic needs (water, food, clothing, blanket) for 117072 women in the
flood-stricken areas in 2021
Women in charge of 40% of top executive positions in the Environment Organization
Provision of basic needs (water, food, clothing, blanket) for 20912 women in the
earthquake-stricken areas in 2021
Paying monthly pension to 299120 women affected by climate crisis in 2021
Setting up 21014 safe shelters for temporary settlement of women in flood-stricken
areas in 2021
Women holding over one-quarter of top environmental executive positions
Setting up 20166 safe shelters for temporary settlement of women in earthquakestricken areas in 2021
Implementing the natioal plan of “promoting and raising cultural awareness of
producing and consuming healthy, standardized, and certified products” for rural
and nomadic women
Holding 4 terms of presidency of “Environment Organization” by women
severestharms tothepeopleandthe
countryduringdecades inpower.By
monarchy’s servants toplunder;by
nationalresources toAmericanand
foruseless importedgoodsandleftover
country’seconomywas inaconstant
livelihoodwas inthehandsofthe
Iran’s agricultural capacities
Increase in Forest area (% of land area)
Iran’s Agricultural Revenue in Billion USD; Past, Present and Future.
Iran’s Agricultural Trade Capacity in Million USD; Past, Present and Future.
“If the Islamic Revolution hadn’t taken place, Iran would have been much more
advanced, at least in terms of industry.” This is a statement, which the world’s
mainstream media outlets insist on. However, aside from the media’s politically
charged viewpoint regarding Iran and subjects related to it, do the statistics and
studies show Iran to be a desperate, stagnant country in industrial fields after
the Islamic Revolution? To find the answer to this question, the following text is
a documented report about the situation of industry in Iran before and after the
Islamic Revolution. It is worth noting that the data used in this report comes
from the research work of international organizations.
Ayatollah Khamenei
General Overview of Iran’s Developments in Industry:
Following the Islamic Revolution, Iran’s steel production surged by an
impressive 19-fold, propelling the country to the 10th position globally. The
cement industry also experienced remarkable growth, with a 25-fold increase
in production and an 11-fold increase in capacity, positioning Iran as the 11th
largest producer worldwide. Additionally, Iran’s aluminum production soared
by 17-fold, securing the country’s place as the 21st largest aluminum producer
globally. The copper sector witnessed a substantial 35-fold increase in
production, elevating Iran to the 13th rank globally. Notably, Iran not only
boasts the world’s lowest electricity prices but has also significantly boosted its
electricity production by a staggering 2300 GW/H, placing the country at the
16th spot on the global electricity production scale.
Iran’s Energy Industry:
Iran’s Energy Industry stands as a
global powerhouse, ranking third in
natural gas production, eighth in
crude oil output, and second in
proven gas reserves on the world
Value Added by Industry as Percent of GDP
The importance of industry in the economy of Iran and other countries is measured as the
value added of the industrial sector as percent of GDP. Industry includes mining,
manufacturing, construction, electricity, water, and gas. Value added is the net output of a
sector after adding up all outputs and subtracting intermediate inputs. It is calculated
without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or depletion and
degradation of natural resources. The origin of value added is determined by the
International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC)

Imam Khamenei visited Exhibition of Domestic Production Capabilities
Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khamenei has visited an exhibition in the
Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah, showcasing the capabilities of Iranian-made
products on January 29, 2024. The country’s domestic products, with a focus on
knowledge-based companies and the manufacturing supply chain, are being
presented in 40 booths in this exhibition. 33
Iran’s Leader Visiting Exhibition of achievements in nuclear industry 34

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