Speaker Balochistan Assembly Vows to Take Action Against Drug Menace

(By sardar Khundai)
_Chman, :_ A delegation comprising members of the civil society, traders, and National Party leaders met with Speaker Balochistan Assembly, Captain (Retd) Abdul Khaliq Khan Achakzai, to discuss the growing drug abuse problem in the region.

The delegation, led by Saahib Jan Achakzai, Bashir Khan Achakzai, and Abdul Bari Ismail, apprised the Speaker of the increasing trend of drug abuse among youth and the open sale of drugs in the area. They also brought to his attention the deplorable condition of a government primary school near an old graveyard, which has been abandoned and is in a state of disrepair.

The Speaker assured the delegation that stern action would be taken against drug peddlers and that the cooperation of the public was necessary to eradicate the menace. He also assured that the issues of traffic and cleanliness in the city would be addressed.

The delegation thanked the Speaker for his assurance and expressed hope that concrete steps would be taken to address the problems faced by the people of Chaman..

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