Some miscreants & misguided elements threatening to sabotage general polls in Pakistan, says Jan Achakzai

Independent Report

QUETTA: The caretaker Provincial Minister for Information, Jan Achakzai has stated that some miscreants and misguided elements are threatening to sabotage the upcoming general elections in the country.
However, the Pakistan state and masses are not afraid of such things.
He said that Afghan people are with Pakistan and on the same way, Pakistani people value their Afghan brethren.
Jan Achakzai said that Pakistan hosted Afghan people for several decades like Ansar. But some miscreants are playing in the hands of anti-Pakistan elements. However, these elements are going to exposed now and Pakistan recognizes all these terrorists.
The Minister Information demanded of the Afghani government to take action against the terrorists and miscreants and hand over the wanted ones to Pakistan.
The Information Minister was addressing hurriedly called press conference at Quetta press club on Monday.
Jan Achakzai said that Pakistan always preferred Afghanistan and its people in the international relations and it (Pakistan) also wholeheartedly supported Afghan people after Soviet Union invasion in Afghanistan. And then, Pakistan also fully supported Afghanistan after 9/11, he asserted.
While on the other hand, adding he regretfully pointed out that Pakistan had been targeted for terrorism even in the presence of United States in Afghanistan, and it is being targeted continuously after Taliban administration took over there, he added.
Jan Achakzai on the occasion also referred to a judgment of Balochistan High Court passed the other day, in which the onus to prove fake national identity cards would lie on government’s authority i.e., NADRA, not the one who have cheated the system.
He said that this verdict would create havoc in our system as no where in the world, government has to prove the genuineness of a fake ID.
They even ask for DNAs to qualify any legitimate claim for ID or citizenship, he mentioned adding that it would give legitimacy to fake claimants. He said that only in Balochistan there are barely 250,000 fake ID cards claimants, whom we call identity thieves.
He appealed to Supreme Court to intervene in the matter as this decision of honorable judge as it would open a pandora box.
He announced that the government would challenge the judgment in due course of time.

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