Some 66,000 illegal immigrants so far repatriated to Afghanistan via Chaman border: Jan Achakzai

Independent Report

QUETTA: The caretaker Provincial Minister for Information, Jan Achakzai has stated that the process of repatriation of the illegal immigrants is continued smoothly and peacefully, and some 66,000 immigrants have so far been repatriated to Afghanistan via Chaman border.
He said that the illegal foreigners are being sent to their homeland according to the international laws and principles.
The Minister Information was addressing a press conference here at the Quetta Press Club on Tuesday.
The caretaker Minister Health, Dr. Ameer Muhammad Khan Jogezai, Commissioner Quetta, Muhammad Hamza Shafqaat were also present.
Jan Achakzai said that by the grace of Allah Almighty, one week has been completed of the repatriation of illegal immigrants from Balochistan.
He mentioned that some 25,000 illegal Afghan nationals settled in Sindh have also moved to their country voluntarily via Chaman border.
He said that while the illegal Afghan immigrants are being sent to their country smoothly, however, some elements made an attempt to exploit the situation for their nefarious designs.
He also said that some elements are making baseless propaganda that the process of repatriation would come to an end after the interim set up in the country.
He said that the interim government would leave with the road map for next elected government regarding repatriation in future.
He said that the process of repatriation of immigrants would not be stopped at any cost, and if anyone crossed limit, one would be dealt with iron hands, adding he asserted.
The Minister Information maintained that the government knows well as how to establish its writ, and if anyone has misunderstanding about it, one should not have this.
He said that we know that the opponents of Pakistan are pained over improvement in country’s economy and peaceful circumstances. That’s why they have chosen the odious way of terrorism in the country, he added.
Jan Achakzai mentioned that the immigrants are being provided foolproof security even in the present tough circumstances.
He on the occasion asked the Afghan deputy Foreign Minister to take care of the diplomatic norms, and avoid to make baseless allegations on behest of others.
He made it clear that the illegally settled refugees are burden on economy of the country and its system.
He said that the illegal immigrants are involved in heinous crimes including terrorism in the country. He asked the Afghan authorities to make arrangements to take their inhabitants to their country at the earliest.
Referring the recent incidents of terrorism, the Minister Information said that the nation including people of Balochistan value the great sacrifices of the brave Pak armed forces a lot, and they are standing by the Army Chief and their forces.
He also said that the nation recognizes well the terrorists and their facilitators and they would be taken to task.

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