Sir Syed University organized an Online Meeting of the Consortium Partners of the ACTIVE Climate Action Project

KARACHI,  – Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology (SSUET) organized an Online Meeting of the Consortium Partners of ACTIVE Climate Action Project, co-founded by the European Union and the first 3-day workshop for Curriculum Development, which was attended by Professor Enrique Nava of Malaga University Spain, Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin, Professor Mihai Ciuc, Dr. Kapal Dev, Acting Registrar Zubair Hameedi, Deans, Chairperson and faculty members.
Addressing the session, Vice Chancellor SSUET, Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin said that Sir Syed University is playing a significant and effective role in shaping the future of the new generation, extending partnerships beyond national borders, and strengthening the university’s dedication to international excellence.
Expressing strong admiration for the initiatives taken in addressing climate change resilience and employing ICT to combat regional environmental issues, Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin underscored that climate change is a global challenge and people are experiencing the significant impacts of climate change, which include changing weather patterns, rising sea level, and more extreme weather events. It affects economic activities and lives. This situation demands us to prepare for the current effects of climate change and the predicted impacts in the future. Efforts should be made to adopt green perspectives, clean technologies, and healthy lifestyles.
Appreciating the initiatives taken by Sir Syed University with unwavering commitment to environmental sustainability, Professor Enrique Nava of Malaga University of Spain said that the universities need to explore collaborative opportunities in educational initiatives and delve into focused discussions on the EU Project for Sustainable Environmental Protection. It is a great achievement of Sir Syed University with good progress in the Active Project.
Prof. Dr. BS Chowdhry from Mehran University of Engineering & Technology presented valuable insight into the participation in Active Projects, funded by ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education (CBHE).
Highlighting the importance of international collaborations in addressing global challenges, the Dean Faculty of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aamir, presented the Agenda Items in detail. He pointed out that climatic change always affects human lives and there is a need to combat climate change impact on a priority basis because global warming influences climate change.
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aamir said that curriculum development plays a key role in enhancing teaching and learning, and the courses that focus on fostering skills in students would prove to be beneficial for the students in the future. It should also lean towards specific skill development and creating entrepreneurship capability.
On this auspicious occasion, Professor Enrique Nava of the Malaga University of Spain along with Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aamir, Prof. Dr. BS Chowdhry, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asif and others inaugurated the Content Development Lab of Sir Syed University.
Abdul Hamid Daccani
Dy. Director Information
Caption: Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin in a group photo with Professor Enrique Nava, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aamir, Prof. Dr. Mir Shabbar Ali, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asif, Acting Registrar Zubair Hameedi, HODs, faculty members and others on the occasion of online meeting on Active Project.

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