Sir Syed University organized an awareness session on Climate Action and a workshop on Erasmus+ projects.

KARACHI,  – To mark Erasmus Day, Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology (SSUET), organized an awareness session on Climate Action and a workshop on proposal writing for Erasmus+ CBHE projects. Erasmus+ is the EU’s program to support education, training, youth, and sports. Dean of the Faculty of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aamir gave an important presentation regarding ACTIVE Climate Action.
Speaking on the occasion, Vice Chancellor SSUET, Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin said that Sir Syed University has been a part of multiple Erasmus Plus Programs since the year 2016. The program fosters learning and understanding of the host country, and the Erasmus experience is considered both a time for learning as well as a chance to socialize and experience a different culture.
He pointed out, “With special reference to SDG 17, the Capacity-Building projects provide international support for implementing effective and targeted capacity-building in developing countries to support national plans to implement all the sustainable development goals.
Giving a presentation on ACTIVE Climate Action, the Dean of, the Faculty of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aamir said that the horrible flood of 2010 had caused a monetary loss of US $ 18 billion and 38.12 million people were affected including 3.45 million house damage and 10.6 hector crops destroyed. Agriculture sector growth was dropped from 3.5% to 0.2% due to the flood with an economic loss of 4 billion. Similarly, 39,000 children under 5 years die every year from diarrhea because of unsafe water and poor sanitation.
He pointed out that climatic change always affects human lives. A severe heat wave in Karachi in 2015 badly hit the inhabitants and 1200 people died due to sunstroke. There is a need to combat climate change impact on a priority basis because global warming influences climate change.
Dr. Aamir said, “To make the world safe and secure, there are 17 sustainable goals which are interrelated and to be achieved by 2030. It marked the beginning of a new phase of accelerated progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals with high-level political guidance on transformative and accelerated actions leading up to 2030.”
Throwing light on the ACTIVE project, Dr. Aamir said that the project has been awarded to a consortium of 6 universities and 2 organizations including the University of Bucharest, Romania; University of Malaga, Spain; Mansa Technical University Ireland; Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology; Mehran University of Engineering & Technology and Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences (BUITEMS). Funds are given to out-of-the-box ideas, not to ordinary projects.
Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin awarded a Shield to Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aamir, for his remarkable presentation regarding Erasmus Program.

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