Sir Syed University organized a seminar on Ramadan Drive

KARACHI,– Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology (SSUET) organized a seminar on Ramadan Drive that was attended by Convenor of Aligarh Institute of Technology, Muhammad Arshad Khan, Dean Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aamir, Prof. Dr. Lubna Farhi, Prof. Dr. Abrar ul Haque, Prof. Dr. Waleej Haider, faculty members Mahrukh and Maryam Raaziq including a large number of students.

Addressing the seminar, former Federal Minister for Petroleum and Chief Patron of Al-Mustafa Welfare Trust, Dr. Haji Muhammad Hanif Tayyab, said that Al-Mustafa performed 1,20,000 free eye operations. In the plastic surgery camp, about 62,000 patients with congenital cleft lip and palate were operated free of charge. The Almustafa Trust is continuously providing ration to deserving families in other countries of the world including Pakistan. We are also providing shelters for destitute parents.

Chief Executive of Transformation International Wellness Clinics, Dr. Imran Yusuf said that the Quran is the last revelation and there is no amendment in the Holy Quran until today. There is not a single moment in twenty-four hours when this holy Quran is not read. There is nothing in the universe that is not mentioned in this book. Not a single indicator mentioned in the Quran has been proven false till date.

Vice Chancellor of Sir Syed University, Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin, said that we should know the purpose of life to achieve success. Humans were created to live a life following the will of God. Islam is not based on materialism. The goal of Islam is not only the material world but piety. If materialism is everything, then why are we not satisfied, why are we suffering from depression? Ramadan drive is a good effort. It is a good sign that we are caring for others and feeling for them. The purpose of acquiring knowledge should not be to earn money but for the welfare of people and the development of society.

Expressing the vote of thanks, Registrar SSUET, Commodore (R) Syed Sarfraz Ali, said that Allah did not create the world without a purpose. The purpose of life is to seek the will of Allah. You can make Allah happy with your good deeds. During my visit to Australia, I was happy to see the graduates of Sir Syed University working for the propagation of Islam in Western Countries as well. The religious trend is growing among the Pakistani youth.

Abdul Hamid Daccani
Deputy Director Information
Caption: (R-L) Haji Hanif Tayyab, Dr. Imran Yusuf, Vice Chancellor SSUET, Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin and Registrar Syed Sarfraz Ali are addressing the seminar organized by Sir Syed University.

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