Sindh Senior Minister Pays Tribute to Martyrs on Defense Day

Independent Report.
Karachi, September 6, 2024 – Sindh Senior Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon paid tribute to the armed forces and martyrs on the occasion of Defense Day, praising their bravery, courage, and selfless sacrifices.

In his message, Memon said that September 6 is a day of national unity, and the nation should come together to face the challenges it faces. He emphasized that the day is not just a date, but a symbol of resistance against aggression, national unity, and unwavering resolve.

Memon said that our martyrs not only protected the borders but also sacrificed their lives to maintain national sovereignty and dignity. He added that the sacrifices of the martyrs inspire the current and future generations to uphold the values of patriotism and unity.

The Senior Minister also saluted the families of the martyrs, who showed unparalleled determination and courage. He said that the sacrifices of the martyrs are a guiding light for the entire nation.

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