Show cause notices being served to absentee teachers:

QUETTA: The Education Department Balochistan has started taking action against habitual absentee government teachers in the province.
The sources of Education Department told that the process of issuance of show cause notice is being started to the teachers who are absent from their duties for long.
According to the data released by the Education Department, some 80,000 government teachers are posted in in 15,000 schools of the province.
Out of total 15,000 schools, there are 7,000 schools which are functioning in single rooms in different parts of the province.
While on the other hand, some 2600 schools are non-functional despite having posted 80,000 teachers in the department.
However, it has been revealed by the Education department high ups that some 2,000 teachers are habitual absentees from their respective duty places.
Out of the absentee teachers, most of them are reportedly in abroad, but are drawing salaries.
On this situation, the Chief Minister Mir Sarfraz Bugti had directed the Chief Secretary to take disciplinary action against the absentee teachers completing process of their termination within two months.
In this regard, the process has been started by issuing show cause notice to the absentee teachers.
Meanwhile, the work is also being started to install bio-metric system in the schools in order to ensure attendance of teachers there.
Primarily, the bio-metric system would be installed in the schools operating in Dera Bugti and Musakhail districts.
It may also be mentioned here that the Chief Minister had also issued directives to install bio-metric system in the schools to ensure attendance of teachers.

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