SHO Jan Muhammad Jamot said that there is no issue regarding law and order

Uthal (Report-Aziz Yousafai ) SHO Jan Muhammad Jamot said that there is no issue regarding law and order in the Uthal city. Criminals will be dealt strictly. Drug dealers have been reined. He expressed these views at police station Uthal while talking exclusively to the representative Bureau Chief Uthal lasbela of Daily independent and Daily Askar international.
Jan Muhammad Jamot said that there is no problem regarding law and order in District Head Quarter Uthal. Uthal is one of the crime free city. Strict actions have been taken against drug dealers. And if anyone will have been found in drug trade, he will be arrested.
Jan Muhammad Jamot further said that the Uthal Police is working day and night to eliminate crime so that the citizens can get relief. He said that is a duty of Police to protect the public. Negative activities will not be tolerated at any cost, no matter how influential the accused may be.

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