Shipping activity at Port Qasim

KARACHI,: Shipping activity reported at the Port Qasim where four ships namely, MSC Vilda-X, Sea Runner, Limra and Marangas Asclepius carrying containers, Mogas, LPG and LNG, berthed at Containers Terminal, Oil Terminal, Sui Southern Terminal and Gas Terminal respectively during last 24 hours.

Meanwhile a gas carrier “Lusail” also arrived at outer-anchorage of the Port Qasim during the same period.
A total of eight ships were engaged at PQA berths during the last 24 hours, out of them two ships, MSC Vilda-X and Ashico Victoria are left the port on today morning and three ships, Mookda Naree, Kaisa-1 and Limra are expected to sail on same day.



Cargo through of 116,083 tonnes, comprising 78,576 tonnes imports cargo and 37,507 tonnes export cargo carried in
1,853 containers (1,853 TEUs export) was handled at the port during last 24 hours.

There are 03 ships at Outer Anchorage of Port Qasim, out of them two ships, Charade and Lusail and two more ships, Maersk Cabo Verde andn Clemens Schulte carrying Steel coil, LNG and Containers are expected to take berths at MW-1 EETL and QICT on today, 24th January, while another containers ship, Cosco America is due to arrive at Port Qasim on Thursday 24th January 2024.



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