Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak Girls Cadet College Turbat hosts first passing out parade


Independent Report

QUETTA: The first passing-out parade ceremony of Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak Girls Cadet College Turbat was held at Turbat on Thursday.
The Commandant of the Girls Cadets College, Brigadier Humayun Ajmal was chief guest at the passing out parade and underscored significance of the momentous event.
In all 67 girl cadets belonging to different parts of the province, who successfully passed out from the College, participated in the ceremony that marked a historic milestone in Balochistan’s educational landscape.
The successful passing-out cadets represent Makran, Kalat, Naseerabad, Sibi, Zhob, Quetta, and Rakshan, divisions and stand as a testament to the dedication and perseverance of the province’s girls.
Various prizes and awards were presented to high achiever cadets, recognizing their outstanding performance and commitment to excellence during their academic sessions.
In a heartening display of support, the passing-out parade ceremony was attended by the cadets’ parents and a large number of representatives from civil society, reaffirming the collective commitment to the empowerment and advancement of Balochistan’s youth.
The parade not only showcases the prowess of Baloch girls but also embodies the nurturing environment and sterling values instilled by the Girls Cadets College Turbat.
The graduating cadets are imbued with a sense of purpose, driven to pursue diverse professions and contribute meaningfully to the development of their homeland, particularly Balochistan.

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