Senior Minister of Sindh, Sharjeel Inam Memon, has said that the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) respects court decisions,

Karachi (July 12): Senior Minister of Sindh, Sharjeel Inam Memon, has said that the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) respects court decisions, even though it has had to accept rulings that have harmed it. The recent Supreme Court decision is ambiguous. It is at the federal government’s discretion whether to appeal this decision or not, but the decision seems to exhibit “Ladlaism” and “good to see you.” Under this decision, constitutional bodies like the Election Commission of Pakistan had their orders bulldozed. Additionally, today’s decision has overturned the Peshawar High Court’s earlier ruling against the BRT project, which had been rejected by Justice Bandial.

Speaking at a press conference in Karachi, Sindh Senior Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon said it is no secret that every act and decision of former Chief Justice Saqib Nisar facilitated Imran Khan. Before the 2018 elections, Imran Khan, despite being a liar, was declared Sadiq and Amin. During the 2018 elections, the RTS system failed, and PTI won through rigging. When the results were challenged, Justice Saqib Nisar ordered that such cases should not be heard for the time being and that the government should be allowed to work. In one instance, when a person was tortured in the middle of the road, Saqib Nisar instructed the torturer to deposit money into the dam fund and go. He said that when the operation against encroachments was going on across the country and people’s houses were being demolished, Justice Saqib Nisar declared Ladla’s house as legitimate. For the 2018 elections, Saqib Nisar & Co. fully facilitated Ladla.

Senior Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon said that Imran Khan, involved in incidents like May 9, was brought to court in a Mercedes. He was greeted with “good to see you,” and he was said that he would condemn the events of May 9. A person who had hidden his child was disqualified by the court. When a case was filed against the founder of PTI for hiding his children, it was dismissed as a family matter. He said that history shows that there have been two laws in this country, and Ladlaism has persisted, with the Pakistan People’s Party suffering the most. The PPP has been a major victim of Ladlaism. Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto gave the country its constitution and nuclear technology did not receive justice. Shaheed Bibi, a leader of the marginalized, was unjustly removed from power twice, and she did not receive justice when she appealed to the Supreme Court. Our leader Asif Ali Zardari, who played a crucial role in safeguarding the constitution of this country, suffered a lot. Who will be held accountable for these injustices? Today, after many years, the execution of Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto has been acknowledged as judicial murder. However, the harm caused by taking away this great leader from the People’s Party and the country cannot be undone. Can the damage inflicted upon Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto be rectified today? Can these judges be held accountable for their wrongful decisions?

Senior Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon said that in today’s decision, it is evident that PTI has not pursued justice but has been favored, whereas the Sunni Ittehad Council had approached the court. The Pakistan People’s Party does not advocate for the banning of any party, but decisions should adhere to the constitution and the law. May Allah forbid that the principle of “might is right” prevail. He said that I affirm that Imran Khan lied in the foreign funding case. We do not advocate for the banning of any organization, but decisions should be based on merit according to the constitution and the law. Everyone should adhere to the law. To this day, Ladla is being kept as Ladla, he propagated false narratives, misled the nation, and incidents like May 9 occurred under his leadership.

Senior Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon said that Imran Khan accused the US of overthrowing the government, and later he himself hired lobbyists in the US. Why would the leader of a Pakistani party need to hire a lobbyist in another country? If hiring lobbyists were permitted under Pakistan’s laws, then everyone would hire their own lobbyists. Israel has never spoken about human rights violations in Kashmir. However, after Imran Khan’s arrest, Israel accused Pakistan of human rights violations. It’s surprising that while the world is well aware of Israel’s human rights violations, today Israel talks about human rights violations in Pakistan following Imran Khan’s arrest.

He said that the decision of the Supreme Court is highly ambiguous and open to discussion among legal experts. If the decision had been against the PTI, there would have been a strong backlash against the respected judges on social media. We advocate for decisions to be based solely on merit, according to what is written in the law and constitution. Merit should not be influenced by personal preferences or dislikes. We seek adherence to the constitution and law without any favoritism or special treatment. He said that the founder of PTI’s behavior was dictatorial; whatever role he played was undemocratic, unconstitutional, and immoral. Imran Khan used to threaten his workers that the children of those who leave my party will not be able to get married.

In response to a question, he stated that after a detailed decision, legal experts will formulate a plan for the future. The Pakistan People’s Party has consistently expressed readiness to engage in dialogue with democratic parties.

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