Senator Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani addresses Kashmir Conference in the House of Commons; emphasizes urgent need for action


Senator Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani addresses Kashmir Conference in the House of Commons; emphasizes urgent need for action

London: July 18, 2023

Senator Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani has emphasized the need for urgent action by the international community to protect the human rights of the Kashmiris. He was speaking as the Chief Guest at the Kashmir Martyrs Day Conference held at the British House of Commons today.
Mr Gillani shed light on the critical issues faced by the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK). The event brought together esteemed personalities, including Rt Hon. Debbie Abrahams, Chairperson APPG on Kashmir, distinguished members of the British Parliament, members of the civil society, and Raja Najabat Hussain, Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Self Determination Movement International.
Senator Gillani began his speech by recalling the tragic events of 21 Muslim protestors who were brutally killed by Dogra forces in Srinagar nearly a century ago. He emphasized that this crime against humanity has been repeated numerous times, perpetuating a humanitarian crisis that demands the attention of every freedom-loving individual. The Senator stressed that the Kashmir issue is not limited to a dispute between Pakistan and India; it is an international concern that stains the conscience of humanity.
The Senator expressed his appreciation for the strong resonance the Kashmir issue holds within the United Kingdom, particularly among British Pakistanis and defenders of human rights. He commended the audience for their unwavering support and dedication to keeping the flame of the Kashmiri freedom struggle alive. Senator Gillani stressed the urgent need for increased support and solidarity with the beleaguered people of IIOJK, who continue to suffer under the relentless onslaught of Indian atrocities.
Highlighting the grave situation on the ground, Senator Gillani pointed out that the Hindutva-inspired agenda aims to erode the cultural and political identity of Kashmiris, further intensifying their suffering. He condemned the sinister project initiated on 5 August 2019 to transform Kashmiris into a minority in their own land, which has been accompanied by the alteration of IIOJK’s boundaries, the settlement of non-Kashmiris in the region, and the erosion of fundamental rights. The Senator highlighted the ongoing military siege imposed by India, resulting in the systematic targeting and persecution of Kashmiri leadership and youth.
Drawing attention to the plight of Yasin Malik, a prominent Kashmiri leader, Senator Gillani denounced India’s inhumane treatment of him. Despite already serving a life sentence following a sham trial, Indian authorities are now seeking a death penalty, further exemplifying India’s consistent violation of human rights and usurpation of fundamental freedoms. The Senator emphasized that India’s oppressive tactics have not deterred the Kashmiri people from their pursuit of their inalienable rights, which are fueled by the unwavering support of individuals like those in attendance.
In conclusion, Senator Gillani called upon India to take the following immediate actions:
Completely lift the inhuman military siege and lockdown in IIOJK.
I. Cease all extra-judicial killings and other human rights abuses.
II. Release all political prisoners, including Yasin Malik.
III. Repeal all draconian laws restricting fundamental freedoms.
IV. Remove restrictions on media to ensure transparency and free flow of information.
V. Halt the illegal demographic change underway in IIOJK.
VI. Grant free access to UN Special Mandate Holders to investigate human rights violations.
VII. Allow access to other human rights and humanitarian organizations.
VIII. Respect the right to self-determination of the people of IIOJK, as promised by relevant UN Security Council resolutions.
The Speakers at the Conference also expressed solidarity with the oppressed Kashmiris and called upon India to end human rights violations in IIOJK. They expressed their commitment to supporting the cause and vowed to continue their efforts to bring justice to the people of IIOJK.
The Kashmir Conference in the House of Commons served as a platform to raise awareness about the plight of the Kashmiri people and the urgent need for international action.

Daily Independent

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