Secretary Health seeks role of religious leaders for eradication of polio

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Secretary Health Balochistan, Abdullah Khan has sought the role and cooperation of religious leaders fort eradication of polio from the province.
He said that the religious leaders may guide the general public from religious point of view regarding vaccination of children against polio.
He also urged the parents to join hands in the anti polio campaign just to save their children from the crippling disease.
The Secretary Health was chairing a review meeting of the anti polio campaign and performance of EPI here on Wednesday.
The provincial coordinator of EPI, Dr Kamalan Gichki, Additional Secretary Health, Arif Achakzai, Divisional Director Dr Lubna Khalil, Provincial head of WHO, Dr Asfandyar Shirani, DHO Quetta, Dr Noor Bizenjo and other concerned high ups attended the meeting.
Addressing the meeting, Secretary Health directed to improve the routine immunization so as to eradicate polio completely.
He said that if routine immunization is improved then polio can be eradicated from the province.
He also directed to increase the routine immunization upto 80 percent in all the districts.
He stressed that all government machinery and general public would have to cooperate for eradication of polio in the province.
In addition to this, he directed to ensure foolproof security in the sensitive areas

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