Lahore, December 04: An important meeting was held in the camp office under the chairmanship of Provincial Minister Livestock Ibrahim Hassan Murad. In the meeting, the cultivation and supply of BN Hybrid fodder and the performance of Buffalo Research Institute Bahadur Nagar, Patoki were reviewed. During the briefing in the meeting, the provincial minister was told that there are 21 livestock farms across Punjab. Hybrid fodder is being cultivated annually on 18,880 acres in 13 farms. Hybrid fodder Qalmai are being prepared in the farms of the Department of Livestock while the process of distribution of free Qalams for cultivation on 18,880 acres is in progress. In the further briefing, it was informed that hybrid fodder is being given to around eleven thousand animals in all government farms, the cost is low and all the animals eat it easily. The Provincial Minister was briefed by the Buffalo Research Institute that our buffaloes are giving excellent results even by eating normal fodder, while they are among the best milking animals in the world. Various researches have been going on in the Buffalo Research Institute since 2005. Addressing the meeting, the provincial minister directed that, even as much as hybrid fodder has been cultivated, present the complete record of it. The Provincial Livestock Minister said that revenue can be generated by exporting hybrid fodder while Livestock department is paying special attention to the safety and care of buffaloes. The Provincial Livestock Minister directed that a plan to hold a cattle fair with buffaloes should be presented, while the farmers should be given incentives so that more hybrid fodder can be cultivated. In the meeting, Additional Secretary Technical Livestock Dr. Asif Sahi, Director General Production Syed Badar Munir, representatives of Buffalo Research Institute Bahadur Nagar, Patoki were present.

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